Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Volvo S40, Aerial Mast

Hans-Jürgen Krahl oder der lange Weg von Ludendorff zu Bloch

Hans-Jürgen Krahl (1943-70) was next to Rudi Dutschke one of the leaders of the Socialist German Student League (SDS). His own intellectual and political development and a general analysis the world political situation, he presented in October 1969 in the form of a statement is during the so-called Senghor Process:

"feedback on the person called can not, not even with respect to a dish like this, to define what is still gleefully enough "personality" is the name. It is important that we represent the background of experience of the politicization process and thus the student movement, has made just as they in their anti-authoritarian phase, said. And it are, as far as my person, very different experience than the correlations of Comrade Amendt. I had to because of my background very much make long detours to betray the bourgeois class, I come, too. Coming from an underdeveloped country, namely from Lower Saxony, and that in the darkest parts of this country, I was not even permitted to rezipieren themselves in not the bourgeoisie, the enlightened ideology of this class, and I think that a summary of this ideology is necessary because these ideologies, which I myself have met with whom I had to identify, similar to those which will also be topics of this process, namely those of Senghor. In Lower Saxony, at least in parts, from which I come, there is still strong for this part, what can be described as the ideology of the earth, and so have I, too, when I went through my political education process, at first not unlike the framework of the German party may move to the Guelph party. I could not even work out the ideologies that mean the liberal and the parliamentary system - if you consider that the villages where I grew up, those non-public care or in their meetings, which are reminiscent of the rituals of medieval witch trials. If one assumes that take place today in many parts of Germany, the Bavarian Forest to the Lower Saxon pagan, sinister ideologies of mysticism, it was very evident that I am my educational process first of all in the Ludendorff covenant drive, so I conceptual thinking is not unlike the mysticism of Meister Eckhart and Roswithas learned of Gandersheim, ie ideologies that if one wants to interpret Marxism, can certainly be interpreted in the sense of a utopian thinking, as did Ernst Bloch, but when one absorbed them from the experience which the ruling class, darkest immaturity reproduce. [...]"


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Clear Nasal Mucus Length Of Time Infant

US-Politik förderte "religiöses Korsett" im Irak

NTV, 6/13/2007: "
[...] The fact that in Iraq at all to a group formation along konfessioneller Trennlinien gekommen ist, lastet Henner Fürtig vom Institut für Nahost-Studien in Hamburg vor allem der Politik der USA seit dem Sturz Saddam Husseins 2003 an. Die Entstehung nach Religion und Volksgruppe getrennter Wohnviertel in Bagdad etwa sei früher undenkbar gewesen: "Unter der Baath-Partei war das eine weitgehend säkulare Gesellschaftsstruktur." Die Unterschiede zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten sowie Arabern und Kurden seien im Zuge der Herausbildung eines gemeinsamen Nationalgefühls im modernen Irak zwar nicht verschwunden, aber längst von Gegensätzen etwa zwischen Arm und Reich oder Stadt und Land überlagert gewesen.

"Der grundlegende Fehler war, dass die USA nach dem Sturz Saddams nicht bei diesen new identities are recognized, "says Fürtig. So be on the creation of the interim government in spring 2003 were used reflexively to an ethnic and religious system of proportional representation." This has forced people into a quasi-religious and ethnic corset. "As a result, would today almost all political issues in an appropriate vocabulary packed. "If the U.S. wanted to democratize really would have had to start it in fact among the middle class," says Fürtig. And yet there have this in Iraq, where more than in most other countries in the region. "They have apparently chosen the easiest solution, but raises the long term, the biggest problems," says the scientist. has
[...]" more