Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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Various facts in video form:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Maestro ATM function can be abused in the Internet

26.11.2008 Fraudsters. Accounts with ATM function can be enabled for online shops with information from a bank statement and the date of birth.

The payment service PayLife brings holders of current accounts with debit function, a new security risk. A new service allows online payments. For these payments, according to a personal operator is required Maestro SecureCode. According to a report of concerned, however, it can be very simple: This requires only the information a statement of account and the account holder's date of birth required. Beides ist für Betrüger leicht zu beschaffen. hat gemeinsam mit Studenten der FH Johanneum Graz getestet, wie leicht die SecureCodes zu beschaffen sind. Die Studenten haben sich laut Bericht binnen zehn Minuten registrieren können. Anschließend sei es problemlos möglich gewesen in insgesamt 15.000 angeschlossenen Shops einzukaufen. Für die alternative Möglichkeit der Registrierung wurde die eigentliche Bankomatkarte nicht benötigt. Kontonummer, Geburtsdatum und "das Wissen über Bankomat-Bezahlvorgänge" hätte genügt und eine bestimmte "Identifikationsnummer" sei leicht zu erraten gewesen.


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Monday, November 24, 2008

Jacsk Deli Bristol Pa

Rufunterdrückung: The custom image behind the allegedly counterfeit mobile phone studies

conflict between the mobile phone industry & science
mobile phone radiation:

chronology of events

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mega-scandal Wiener mobile study


That the case of so much international interest comes, has to do with that between mobile industry and skeptical science highly competitive research. The mobile phone industry, the occupational physician Christian Wolf and other scientists for years, of explaining that it would have been able any scientific study, some emanating from mobile phone radiation health risks to prove. Many of these studies are in the opinion of independent Swiss experts are not worth the paper on which they stand.

therefore started the Verum Foundation in Munich, the REFLEX project, which one should clarify once and for all whether there is ever any biological effects of mobile phone radiation. Would deny this question, then one could avoid any further study of suspected health effects of mobile phone radiation. The study the EU-sponsored study of 3.2 million € in the period 2000 to 2004 in Europe carried out in several centers, including in Vienna under the leadership of Hugo Rüdiger, former Chef der Arbeitsmedizin an der Wiener Medizin-Universität.

Ergebnis: Handystrahlung könne zu DNA-Strangbrüchen führen und – ähnlich wie starke Sonnenbestrahlung – ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko bedeuten. Für die Mobilfunkindustrie war dies ein Schlag ins Gesicht. „Die Effekte passieren nämlich weit unterhalb der derzeit geltenden Grenzwerte“, erklärte der Münchener Internist Franz Adlkofer, Koordinator der REFLEX-Studie.

Seit der Veröffentlichung der Studienergebnisse werden diese heftig angezweifelt, so auch von Christian Wolf, Rüdigers Nachfolger als Leiter der Wiener Arbeitsmedizin. Wolf ist zudem stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats Funk (WBF), acting on behalf of the Transport Ministry as the expert panel on health issues in the field of mobile communications. The findings of the advisory board - that it is related to mobile phone radiation gives no health concerns - met with some scientists strongly criticized (see box page 79).

Besides Wolf was also a biologist Alexander Lerchl of the Jacob University Bremen from the start to most massive to the critics of the REFLEX study. Reason: The data presented were simply "too good to be true" (see box page 77). At first shocked even the now retired investigator Hugo Rüdiger. With face of the message that he had betrayed one of its long serving staff for years, he wanted to withdraw the two studies at once. Only when he learned that K. denies the forgery, he was inspired by his ex-assistant to confirm in writing that they have the cell phone studies "invariably under Doppelverblindung" performed.
After weeks had passed without the forgery was able to prove or disprove it, beat Rector Schütz - according to Rüdiger - a "deal" before: Rüdiger should withdraw themselves from one of the two relevant studies for technical reasons. In return he would give Fälschungsvorwurf bei beiden Studien fallen lassen. Rüdiger willigte in den Handel ein, weil er seinen ehemaligen Mitarbeitern, die ihre wissenschaftlichen Karrieren noch vor sich haben, eine weitere Rufschädigung ersparen wolle.

Ende Juli schrieb Rüdiger einen „Letter of Retraction“ an Hans Drexler, Arbeitsmediziner aus Erlangen und Herausgeber des Journals „International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health“, in dem die jüngere der beiden Studien publiziert wurde. Darin hält Rüdiger jedoch fest, dass er von der „Richtigkeit der Daten überzeugt ist“ und sicher ist, dass sie „in naher Zukunft bestätigt werden“.

Damit war die Causa but still on the table: Although Drexler, after some initial hesitation, but ultimately agreed to withdraw the study, this is still not officially done. And while contactor denies the existence of the alleged Rüdiger deals, both now say Rüdiger like REFLEX Coordinator Adlkofer, this deal is even part of the minutes of the set of contactor Ethics Council, in which they had access after repeated Urgenz may take. In a related release Adlkofer writes: "The minutes, which is inexplicably handled as a confidential document and not published, [...] shows convincingly that the allegations are unfounded against the group most likely are. [...] But what the Rector? Regardless of the content of the minutes he repeated his accusations in other public statements. "

Final proof?
But in the meantime, Christian Wolf believes the final proof of the forgery to have found: On the back pages of K's book, he found records of laboratory experiments, together with codes, but these are provided with a date from the year 2005. K. concedes that it is obvious from these records is their own handwriting will, but do not understand how the records from the year 2005 will come in a book that they will not until January 2008, in use.
On 13 K. November was again heard by the Ethics Council. There she was, according to Rüdiger confirm in writing that their codes were known since the year 2002. So they should admit that they have the first of two studies that have carried out in 2004 with GMS signals REFLEX study, and not just a fake in 2007 with UMTS signals conducted follow-up examination. K. refused, however, the signature and declared once again that they had learned only in April 2008 as the codes can be cracked.

The fact that the laboratory assistant, the codes since 2002 I know, but can not prove with the ominous, Wolf book discovered in the laboratory records from 2005. And the study in 2004, the only one to Vienna by the researchers was carried out as part of the REFLEX project was, at first not in Vienna but in Berlin, because around that time in Vienna did not exist the necessary irradiation machine . To this end, K was sent to Berlin for about three weeks to complete their studies at the local machine. A they were under constant surveillance of foreign colleagues, immediate results "fabricated", it is difficult to imagine.

Meanwhile, the Vienna Institute for Cancer Research led with other methods, studies of those cells that had been used previously in the irradiation study, the occupational physician. Yet cancer researchers arrived at results that match the results of radiation studies (see box left).

REFLEX Coordinator Franz Adlkofer suspects now behind the events in Vienna, an intrigue with far-reaching purpose: "This is an attack on REFLEX and the follow-up projects, because they hurt the industry and speak against the existing limit values."

Adlkofer had previously submitted under the name MOPHORAD a successor project to the EU, which now are the first time the effects of mobile phone radiation on living people for. Only if they also show there effects that could be said with sufficient certainty whether cell phone radiation pose a health risk or not. But although the project was rated as excellent, the EU seeks to not have this now.
the full story see the current profile of 48/2008.

link to the original article by Profile

Taking Shawer With Husband

Thursday, November 13, 2008

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Hans Mommsen in Germany Kultur

"Everyone must learn to cooperate with the Left Party"
historian Hans Mommsen has to hysteria in the media and the attitude of his party SPD

In sharp words of the historian Hans Mommsen criticizes the public reaction to the failure of the red-red-green government plans in Hesse. The media accused the renowned historian, to have one fueled by a campaign "senseless kind of" irrational fears of the voters before the Left Party.
This is the epilogue of a hysterical anti-communism "and a" irrationalism, which is itself a disease in the political system of the West German Federal Republic, "said Mommsen.

particularly criticized Mommsen, even SPD member, the attitude of the SPD federal head to cooperate with the Left Party: "I think this stupid insurance by Mr Muentefering and Mr Steinmeier on this sick German public, they would never form a coalition with this party, himself a nuisance."

Mommsen regretted the failure of the red-red-green project in Hessen. It would have been good, "demonstrate that it will work without that causes an uprising in Hesse. The Left had "specific issues", such as in foreign policy or in NATO's question, it must talk about it, so Mommsen further, but it was unjustified, it generally as "politically acceptable" to qualify. "Alle müssen lernen, mit der Linkspartei zusammenzuarbeiten."