Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pait A Custom Bmx Bike On Line

"Political stalking the ORF

Der "Zeit im Bild"-Moderator Armin Wolf kritisiert erneut die politische Einflussnahme auf den ORF und fordert: "Rettet den ORF vor seinen Rettern".

Laut Wolf geht die Politik der ORF nichts an. Drucken Senden Leserbrief
D ie jüngsten Interessenbekundungen der Politik an einer "Neuaufstellung" des ORF haben "Zeit im Bild"-Moderator Armin Wolf zu einem neuen Hilferuf veranlasst: In einem Gastkommentar für die Mittwoch-Ausgabe der Tageszeitung Der Standard spricht Wolf von "politischem Stalking" gegen den ORF. Schon vor zweieinhalb Jahren hatte der "ZiB 2"-Anchorman in einer Rede anlässlich der Verleihung des Robert Hochner-Preises interne Strukturen im ORF sowie die politische Einflussnahme von außen kritisiert. Damals trat er damit in der ORF-Debatte eine Lawine los. Heute fordert Wolf: "Rettet den ORF vor seinen Rettern".

Neo-Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) kündigte an, sich als eine seiner ersten Maßnahmen um den ORF kümmern zu wollen. Und der niederösterreichische Landeshauptmann Erwin Pröll (ÖVP) fordert eine Reform des ORF-Gesetzes inklusive personeller Neuaufstellung. Diese Aussagen empfindet Wolf als "gefährliche Drohung". "Nirgendwo in der Bundesverfassung oder im ORF Act is that is written that the Chancellor has to take care of the ORF. The jurisdiction of provincial governors for organizational and personnel changes in public broadcasting is in no clause enshrined, "said Wolf. It specifically the ORF Act, however, the" stresses independence from government and party influence ".

task of the Board

Given the position of the ORF, which this year is writing a decline of about 100 million € was, rather, asked the Board of Trustees. Its task was "the monitoring of management" and the "appointment and dismissal of the Director General of the Directors and Regional Directors. But Wolf also locates the influence of politics. According to ORF-law had the only interest are the trustees in the best interests of the ORF. "Interestingly and sadly, they interpret this order but regularly along the narrow limits of so-called 'Friends of', is read from those in the law nothing," Wolf criticized.

If the ORF need a new management, had this question "not the Lord Faymann and / or Pröll decide, but the 35 members of the Board that are" bound in the exercise of their functions to any directives and orders. " Of stalking and dangerous threats "in the ORF-law is the question. "All the more should defend the Board of Trustees, the ORF employees and the general public against such attacks, "said Wolf.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Apartment Rental Reconsideration Letter

Fekter tasers a chance

The controversial electric weapons are not as bad as batons. it wants the Home Secretary the devices not.

. The Taser-stop in prison is loud Fekter unfounded empirically Print Send letter
I the debate n by the use of Tasers - the COURIER reported - has been Interior Minister Maria Fekter (ÖVP) to speak. It is not fundamentally opposed to the controversial Taser electrical weapons reinstated in prisons. It appears that weapon the least invasive methods in comparison with a baton, she said Wednesday morning at a press conference. Nor did it understand that completing the task forces and prison officers in the executive with the appropriate equipment with their work often "rabid" clients wanted. were self-experiment with electric shock gun

"video. They advocated ein, den Einsatz der Waffen nochmals zu überprüfen. So müsse man schauen, ob die Verletzungsgefahr durch den Sturz nach dem Schuss aus der Elektro-Waffe verantwortbar sei. Den von Ex-Justizministerin Maria Berger verfügten Taser-Stopp sieht Fekter jedenfalls als eine Entscheidung an, die nicht auf empirischen Fakten beruht hätte.

Berger hatte den Taser-Gebrauch im Strafvollzug im Februar ausgesetzt, nachdem es zu heftiger Kritik von Menschenrechtsorganisationen und dem UN-Ausschuss gegen Folter gekommen war.

Link zum Originalartikel

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Has Anyone Ordered A Mechadoll

melamine is now also found in gingerbread

Süßwarenhersteller Feel free to use ammonium carbonate as a leavening agent from China. Now immersed in the chemical on gingerbread samples.

I n milk-containing candies and cookies from China is the chemical melamine has already been demonstrated. Now the toxic material was discovered in ammonium carbonate from China, which is often used as a leavening agent for gingerbread. That the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Consumer Protection reported in Stuttgart. From the Austrian Ministry of Health, there were until Tuesday afternoon, no opinion.

28 ammonium carbonate samples were analyzed in Baden-Württemberg, five from pharmacies or health food stores, four bakers, 13 from the U.S. and six from the food retail trade. Seven samples from five different batches corresponded not with the purity requirements of food law.

No risk

"The food control authorities have prohibited the further processing of the rejected goods immediately," said a ministry spokeswoman. She was no longer in circulation. Yet the full delivery routes are determined. "For the consumer who likes to gingerbread, there is no danger."

ammonium carbonate (ammonium bicarbonate), in particular for the production of gingerbread Mengen von unter einem Prozent eingesetzt. Selbst bei Kleinkindern, der empfindlichsten Verbrauchergruppe, wäre ein täglicher Verzehr von einem halben Kilogramm von mit belastetem Hirschhornsalz hergestellter Backwaren nach einer Bewertung durch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) noch sicher. Die Auswirkungen von Melamin, das aus Harnstoff gewonnen wird, auf den menschlichen Körper sind aber kaum erforscht.


Artikel vom 02.12.2008 14:09 - Read on Wikipedia: What is melamine?