Sunday, January 11, 2009

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taz article about the origin and goals of Hamas

origin und Ziele der Hamas

Die Politik der Tunnel
Seit 2006 regiert die Hamas in Gaza. Es folgte ein internationaler Boykott. Innenpolitisch gelang es der Bewegung des islamischen Widerstands nicht, die Korruption einzudämmen. VON HELGA BAUMGARTEN

HAMAS-CHARTA Im Januar 1988, zu Beginn der 1. Intifada, erscheint der Name Hamas erstmals auf einem Flugblatt. Die bis dahin eher karitativ-religiös agierende Muslimbrüderschaft tritt damit als palästinensische politische Organisation auf. Sie wird in den Anfangsjahren von Israel "gefördert", um sie als Gegengewicht zur PLO aufzubauen. Im August 1988 veröffentlicht die Hamas ihre Charta, die bis heute gültig and setting out the basic positions of Hamas as the Middle East conflict, the position of women, for Jihad or the PLO. Accordingly, Hamas rejects recognition of Israel on principle and wants to build across the former mandated territory of Palestine an Islamic state. In the nineties, which occurs mainly with Hamas suicide bombings against Israel in appearance. Compared to the Charter, the electoral manifesto of Hamas proves of 2005 as far more pragmatic. With this manifesto, the Hamas takes effect from January 2006 to the first time in a parliamentary election and immediately captured the absolute majority of seats. In June 2007 she sells the Fatah military means from the Gaza Strip. The U.S., Israel and EU consider the Hamas as a terrorist organization and boycott it. GB
Since 27 December 2008 war in the Gaza Strip. Since then, Israeli F-16 fighter aircraft, helicopters and warships bombed almost continuously the piece of land on the Mediterranean, the world's most densely populated area. The Israeli government, led by Defense Minister Ehud Barak asserted that the Israeli army would simply a war against Hamas, a - he says - a defensive war against the Qassam missiles from Gaza.
The Palestinians in Gaza, however experience day after day, night after night, the Israeli army bombarded every one and a half million inhabitants without mercy. What role does Hamas in this war? Where does it come at all and what are their goals?
Hamas (Movement of Islamic Resistance) won the Palestinian parliamentary elections of January 2006, exactly three years ago, and sat for the first time clearly defeated the Fatah of Mahmoud Abbas, successor to Yasser Arafat, and since January 2005 elected Palestinian president. Abbas had no alternative as entrust the religious-nationalist opposition to Hamas now to form a government. The policy objectives of Hamas were clearly articulated in its election manifesto, which she led her successful election campaign stop Israeli sovereignty over the occupied since 1967 Areas, ie the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, establishing an independent Palestinian state on that same area, a long-term truce with Israel within the borders of May 1967. The conclusion of a peace treaty would be left to future generations. Domestically, the Hamas promised an end to corruption, transparent government and translated to their own sustainable economic development opportunities, with the aim of reducing dependence on foreign visibly. The
by the Quartet (U.S., EU, UN and Russia) and from Israel immediately implemented after the election boycott of the Hamas government frustrated even before any chance of implementing this program. At the same time joined the losers of the elections, Fatah, the boycott in their own way to: strikes against the new government, preparing a coup against the Hamas leadership in Gaza, with full American support, non-cooperation on the one hand and propaganda war on the other.
A first culmination of this power struggle, the armed clashes in the Gaza Strip in summer 2007. For these clashes between armed Hamas and Fatah groups, Hamas went out successfully. Since then, the Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas in its entirety. There is no armed presence of Fatah is no more. All the Fatah leader had to flee the Gaza Strip. In the summer of 2007, Hamas Peace and security on the streets of Gaza produce. For the first time in years, the occupants of the Gaza Strip to move without fear, at least before Palestinian gunmen or criminals. But this is only the Innenperspektive.Von outside the Gaza Strip was and is hermetically sealed. The whole country is one big prison. And again this prison was attacked by the Israeli army.
This sealing off Gaza, imposed by the Israeli occupation in cooperation with Egypt to people in impoverished Gaza, Gaza: What of a Palestinian economy was left talking to the decades of direct occupation (Sara Roy, in this context by an Israeli policy of de-development, "de-development" was), completely destroyed any economic activity, including any construction activity, by preventing any entry was made impossible. Almost the entire population was to paupers by the international community, represented by the UN Relief and Works Agency UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency). The Israeli occupation allowed to survive - with precisely measured delivery, the famines and epidemics narrowly escaping. A decent life since the spring of 2006 but no longer possible.
was what and what is the response of Hamas to the real disaster? Domestically tried die Hamas, ihre politische Kontrolle zu etablieren und das politische und soziale Leben zu organisieren. Erfolgreich war sie bei der Durchsetzung der inneren Sicherheit und einer Grundversorgung, zumindest der Hamas-Anhänger. Die bisherige Politik der Hamas, alle Bedürftigen in Gaza ungeachtet ihrer politischen Anschauungen und ihrer Parteizugehörigkeit zu versorgen, ist dabei, wenn man Berichten aus Gaza glaubt, zusehends auf der Strecke geblieben. Auf der Strecke blieb sicher auch der Versuch, eine demokratische Transformation einzuleiten. Stattdessen verhielt sich die Hamas in Gaza ähnlich autoritär wie die Fatah im Westjordanland.
Außenpolitisch versuchte die Hamas, Unterstützung in der arabischen Welt zu finden, von Ägypten Saudi Arabia to the Gulf and up to Iran. This external support should bypass the boycott by the Quartet and Israel, by actively recruited into financial and economic support. The border closure policy almost brought them to fail. Hamas responded with a "tunnel" policy: they dug numerous tunnels under the border between Gaza and Egypt and "imported" provide through this tunnel practically anything, but never to the extent that a sufficient supply of all residents and the entire Gaza Strip would can.
attempted the same time, Hamas, on the acquisition of political support the boycott and politically to . Break As a "military" Supporting this policy, and this is the third level, where Hamas has been active and is, held even after they step firmly on the political stage at the option of armed resistance. Oriented towards the model of Hezbollah in Lebanon, they tried to impose political demands of Israel with the "pressure" of home-made Qassam missiles. In so doing, however, Hamas went to a very dangerous territory.
They called for a military completely outnumbered, just out on its strongest areas, namely the military conflict. The logic was clear, imitating the logic of the Israeli-Lebanese conflict, as they had enforced the Hezbollah. As a military balance was not possible, they tried to strike a balance of terror. Against the threat of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army continued to the threat of Israeli civilians in southern Israel. Also this balance of terror was and remains a largely asymmetrical power and threat ratio. But Hamas is betting that even military pinpricks unsustainable in the long run, and so Israel is forced to yield to Palestinian demands. Again and again it was
so impose a longer or shorter periods of ceasefire and maintain. Time and again, these "breaks" but disturbed by the Israeli army and Hamas. What should be decisive, however, that the Israeli government was prepared to take any point to lift the blockade of Gaza and open the border crossings. Rather, one has, when Israeli newspaper reports and analysis of past days are correct, at least two years systematically and intensively prepared for a war against Gaza under Hamas. The end of the cease-fire in the second half of December, only offered the opportunity to begin the long-prepared war.
On the Palestinian side, Hamas has also said the inspection, systematic and intense, as part of their very limited ability to prepared for this Israeli attack. However, while the Israeli side, between a policy of complete destruction of Hamas on the one hand, the enforcement of peace and security of the Israeli population in the south of Israel from Palestinian missiles on the other hand, varies the demands of Hamas are very clear: end the war and the opening of the Gaza Strip.
experts worldwide agree that the destruction of a political movement and organization such as Hamas, with its strong and deep roots in the Palestinian people is an illusion. Everyone knows that negotiations, sooner or later must be included. Even the contours of a solution are clear: The weapons must remain silent and the Gaza Strip to be opened. Above all, the now in the fifth decade of Israeli occupation will be terminated in order to create a real basis for the overdue peace. The vicious circle of violence must be left for it. And that goes for the Israeli army as well as Hamas.

The author teaches political science at Birzeit University, Palestine. Last published her book on Hamas. "Hamas Political Islam in Palestine"