Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Does Wic Provide Formula 2010

as of March 2009

-laws of the community Parents

all schools in the municipality Apen

The municipality Parents (Gemer )

first In municipalities and communities, and the support of more than 2 schools, a community formed Parents.

second the Gemer choose the school parent councils in the district are public schools and independent schools, where, the compulsory education are met

The municipality Parents elect a governing board composed of one or a president, one or a Deputy Chairman.

1) Election and term

The chairman of the Assembly will in the long run selected from two school years.

The chairmen or their representatives or individuals can be removed at any time by resolution of the parent community council meeting, when at the same time a replacement is chosen.

2) meetings

The chairperson invites the Gemer at least twice a year to a meeting. A session is carried out at least once a school year. A meeting of the Gemer shall also be convened if a fifth of the members or board, it requires giving the advice the article.

The invitation to a community council meeting parents at least 10 days prior written or made by email with notification of the individual items on the agenda.

requests parents to the community council can be considered if they are at least 5 days prior to the Assembly submitted in writing to the Chairperson.

regarding matters that negotiating is not included in the agenda may Beschlüsse nicht gefasst werden. Ausnahmen sind zulässig, wenn ein einstimmiger Beschluss der Versammlung vorliegt.


Bei Beschlussfassung entscheidet die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen, soweit nicht anderes bestimmt ist. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheiden die Stimmen der Vorsitzenden.

Bei Anwesenheit von mindestens 1 Vertreter/in von mindestens 4 verschiedenen Schulen ist der GER beschlussfähig.

Beratende Personen ohne Stimmrecht may be invited to the meetings

about the meeting by the Board is a record must be that of the / a stenographer / secretary must be signed and submitted for approval at the next school parent council meeting.

3) Tasks of the Municipal Council Parents:

first The Gemer can discuss issues relevant to the schools in its area of particular importance. Education authorities and school authorities have given them the information necessary for their work to provide information and timely opportunity to comment and suggestions.

second The board of Gemer must ensure that the interests of all represented in their school district forms are adequately addressed. is in a Gemer If a decision has been taken against the votes of all present representatives of a type of school, he, upon request, accompanied by their opinion

The tasks are described in very general terms. A catalog has not been established. We are therefore in the selection of our free themes. Nevertheless, means, of particular concern is a limit. The deliberations of a general political issues that are unrelated to the specific problems of the parents in our area, are excluded. And of course we must not meddle in the affairs of individual school parent councils.

Without up a final list to do, could be discussed the following questions:

  • school transport
  • construction, expansion, limiting, merger and abolition of schools
  • school construction
  • introduction of new types of schools, teaching supplies
  • equipment and condition of the schools
  • situation of foreign students
  • school violence
  • drug abuse

private affairs of teachers, and should not be treated by students

4) Higher-level tasks

by laws and regulations is an involvement of the community Parents Council in the following cases specifically prescribed:

  • The Gemer proposes the representatives of the parents in the local school board . (Regulation on the appointment procedure for the local school boards) is
  • The Gemer in establishing the school development plan to participate. (VO on school development planning)
  • In determining the school districts has Gemer get opportunity to respond. (Additional rules for compulsory schooling and the relationship to school, here: § 63)

5) equipment and financing

The education authorities have for the parents take the place of necessary facilities to carry out their task and the necessary business needs available

6) Final provisions

The education authorities have to insert the right within three days of protest when, after his convinced that a decision a conference or committee

first against law or regulation is contrary

second violates an administrative order,

third to generally accepted educational principles or

assessment criteria rules or

4th of inaccurate or based on actual conditions posed

irrelevant considerations.

occurs Gemer The rules of procedure in force on 27.03.2008 and experiences only decision of the Municipal Council to amend parents.

The rules and the name list of elected parent representatives

allowed on the homepages of the schools and of the school will be published .

contact details of the GER may be obtained through the schools or on the town as school Apen.

And now a final statement and a request:

parent participation is only effective and taken seriously when there is high - that is clear - will is expressed. If we are not able to find a contentious issue for a compromise, who can all, we will be divided apart. And we should be clear that is taken away with less and less becoming another means something when we get some more.

Why Does Lemonade Give You Phlegm

hier wird in der nächsten Zeit nach und nach eine Informationsseite des Gemeindeelternrates der Gemeinde Apen aufgebaut.