Guest Commentary: The Iranian nuclear Theater
More Ignore dare
By Omid Nouripour 9th February 2010
comedies come in the theater always good, even when the stage of the Munich Security Conference, and the public senior and highly paid security experts from around the world: Readily could distract them this past weekend of the pressing issues of international security policy, to carefully listen to but unfortunately without the slightest smile, the announcement by the Iranian foreign minister. But distance to Iran's nuclear Theater did not, and it would be good to understand the farce as such.
commits On Thursday, Iran 31 Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, and the opposition will use the day to their concerns vociferously put forward - an escalation of violence is not be excluded. But the debate in the international community and also in Germany is limited to the exegesis of the nuclear issue and sees that it is turning in the ritual und Zurückrudern der iranischen Regierung vor allem um ein Ablenkungsmanöver eines geschwächten Präsidenten handelt. Es ist an der Zeit, dieses Spektakel ignorieren zu wagen und einen Blick hinter die Kulissen zu werfen. Dabei sollten uns drei Dinge auffallen:
1. Die Lage der Menschenrechte und die Atomfrage sind im Iran nicht voneinander zu trennen. Die Regierung Ahmadinedschad hat spätestens seit den gefälschten Parlamentswahlen vom 12. Juni 2009 das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung verloren. Die Oppositionsbewegung ernst zu nehmen ist ein wichtiger Beitrag, die Regierung zu schwächen. Die Menschenrechtsfrage ist die Achillesferse des Systems.
2. Wir müssen Ahmadinedschad understood as a weakened president: he does not trust his countrymen that his country is ailing economy, and ultimately did not he, but the Supreme Leader Khamenei, the decision making on nuclear issues.
third We need to rethink the structure of international negotiations, the five-plus-one round. China feels about a possible Iranian nuclear bomb ever threatened, and Russia would not rather discuss the division of the Caspian Sea? If we are to effectively act against the Iranian nuclear program and for human rights, then include other partners to the table, such as Iran's neighbors Turkey or undermine Azerbaijan which are under direct threat, or the United Arab Emirates, the sanctions against Iran by thriving indirect trade.
The author is a security spokesman for the Green Party parliamentary group