Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Stichwort: Offene Handelsgesellschaft

general partnership - abbreviated OHG - is a partnership , which operates under a joint company a commercial enterprise . The OHG as a legal form company is among the most widely used and because of their liability arrangements also most prestigious trading companies . A partnership is formed by at least two shareholders and their formation is due to a social contract that is entered into Register . If there was no other agreement, each shareholder in terms of the management is of the OHG out. The profits with respect to the capital contributions made four percent interest and the remainder is related to losses distributed to heads. In the case of loss all shareholders directly liable and jointly and their contribution out with all their personal assets .

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"There are three possible reasons for a meeting. To inform, to discuss various options and make decisions"

Barry J. Gibbson: The wonderful World of business.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Stichwort: Gelegenheitsgesellschaften

consortia the companies short duration of realtiv, founded by company, a joint project to track . Examples include associations of Construction working together on a common site or banking syndicates, which are set up to jointly conduct a include securities underwriting . The most common legal form is the opportunity companies the civil law, ie a GbR.

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Stichwort: Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts

civil partnership - called abbreviated GbR - is a special form of partnership and is therefore not by Commercial Law (HGB), but by common law (BGB), regulated by law. In a GbR close at least two people together by contract to pursue a common goal. It may in this case, for example, be Community law firms of lawyers . The civil-law is not a trading company , so it is not a company and thus is not subject to the Company principles of trade law. management and representation the GbR is basically the outside, except otherwise agreed by all shareholders perceived. The profit distribution a GbR takes place after the contracted amount To emphasize the money and in kind . is that the shareholders a GbR their deposits and the company's assets also are liable with their entire personal assets .

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Stichwort: Gewinn

profit is the positive outcome of economic activity a company or a company . The free market economy based basically on the principle of profit maximization , which here means that it builds on the desire to take maximum profit from economic activity. We distinguish the so-called gains for a power unit and a net profit of company or company within a specific time period.

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Stichwort: Gewinnverwendung

profit is the profit of the company that can be used in two ways. It can be distributed but remain within the company. profits means of profit under the owner of the company taking account of the participation of employees . If the profit or its parts retained in the enterprise he is involved in the retained earnings.

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Stichwort: Gesellschaftsvertrag

social contract means a contract whereby a corporation or partnership is founded. He is in the case of a corporation or GmbH also called statutes . When corporations always notarization necessary. In partnerships is the social contract, in principle, informal.

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Stichwort: Gesellschafterversammlung

general meeting is the organ of a company with limited liability (GmbH), the on the determination of the financial statements and decides profit and order and dismissal of directors and controlled attorney. She also oversees the management . All decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, but considering the amount of the respective capital contributions individual shareholder .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Stichwort: Stammkapital

capital is the nominal capital a Society Limited , ie a GmbH results and the sum of the capital contributions the shareholders. The amount of share capital is fixed in the statute each GmbH, however, is required by law a minimum sum of 25 000 euros.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Stichwort: GmbH

GmbH is the abbreviation for the company me and means a limited liability corporation with its own legal personality . It is a legal person . An LLC may be formed by one or more persons. You must share capital of 25 000 €, have made up the capital contributions of each partner of at least 100 €. The social contract , otherwise also called Statutes, requires notarization . The organs of a GmbH are members of one or more CEO and a shareholder meeting . In deciding on the use of business results as well as on appointment and dismissal of management . The additional supervisory board is a when it was established by the statutes. The profit distribution among the shareholders is based on the ratio of the shares . In case the loss shall be liable with their entire business assets , but the only shareholders in proportion to their contribution .

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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"Separation is the factor that impressed the market."

Barry J. Gibbson: The wonderful world of business.

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Stichwort: Haushaltsdefizit

sees budget deficit as such economic situation in the state, if tax revenues the budgets decline due to poor market conditions , but not the government spending may be reduced or can be. The result is a funding gap , which means that the revenue less than expenditure. That leads to deficit . The State can such a fiscal deficit also bring awareness by increasing its spending to the economy economic boost.

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Stichwort: Keynesianismus

Keynesianism refers to John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). He is the founder of Keynesian economics and one of the most important economists of the 20th Century. His economics concept arose as a result of the devastating Great Depression the years after 1929, which brought him to a clear proof that not market automatically lead to full employment as many had believed even. Keynes claimed that the State in crisis active economic policy should operate to provide sufficient aggregate demand . For the Keynesian According to the employment of the dependent production and the production of the demand. If it is missing the company of demand and therefore they produce less and therefore dismissed workers , it's the government's job to ensure that aggregate demand will rise again. But this is possible if the government spending be increased. Does it lead to budget deficits and increases the national debt , then this fact must simply be accepted. If the crisis but is overcome and get the production and employment again, then increase again the taxes and thus the revenue of the state. from budget surpluses, the debt are then redeemed again - so it seems at least the optimistic thesis of Keynes, although that in itself is perfection. In fact, the debt did not work, but the national debt is increased rather dramatically.

find more about it in: Gerhard Wilke: Pocket. Economy in Germany.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Haben Sie gewusst?

Germany is one of the leading information and communications technology countries. In 84 percent of the company and 71 percent of households computer technology is available. Over 75 percent of the population use a PC, almost 70 percent surf the Internet. Germany is Europe and the largest mobile and online market . Nearly 95 percent of households have a fixed line and 81 percent still have at least one mobile phone . Germany's share of global market for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is six percent.

find more about it in: Facts about Germany, Chapter 6 - economy.

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Stichwort: Privatrecht

private law is also different civil law governs and contrary to public law legal relations assimilated entities themselves. The most important laws of general law are Civil Code (BGB) and Commercial Code (HGB).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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"Every action in the economy is either constructive or destructive."

Barry J. Gibbson: The wonderful world of business.

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Stichwort: Öffentlicher Dienst

staff means all corporations and institutions public law. These now include universities , administration, courts or transport companies. The public sector workers are officials, employees also workers.

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Stichwort: Öffentliches Recht

Public Law is opposed to private law and governs law relationship of the citizen to a public authority , but also the Highness support each other. For public authorities include the State that communities and churches . Public law are mainly attributed to the state law and international law and the Krichenrecht . Addition, there are also the administrative law and tax law and not least the criminal and procedural law .

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Stichwort: Öffentliche Hand

Public sector intended as a collective term for all organizations in the public right . There are in Germany: Federation , countries, communities , municipalities that are considered a carrier company. This is to include transportation or waste collection.

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Stichwort: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz

Intellectual Property means all legal rules that protect industrial inventions as well as other commercially exploitable intellectual property . These include protection of patents or protection of trademarks and industrial designs . In addition it also expects the competition law.

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Stichwort: Gewerbesteuer

Business tax understood as state fees to driving a commercial enterprise . Your goal is to to tax corporate income . In Germany, the business tax the most important tax revenue source for local governments.

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Stichwort: Gewerbefreiheit

freedom of trade the means by which Trade Regulation guaranteed right to maintain a whole Commercial and a professional a choose to work or training facility free, especially since this through legal exceptions or restrictions ( that is, a permit requirement does not) prevents is.

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Stichwort: Gewerbe

Commercial means any activity carried out independently , which aims to achieve long term gains . However, the trade is not the free professions such as lawyer or doctor. The trades are attributable still craft and industry also Services as trade , banks or insurance companies .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Stichwort: Branche

industry is a term for a specific industry . One speaks for example of metal industry or Automotive .

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Stichwort: Firmenwert

Goodwill is the value of a company that results from the sum of its assets minus liabilities . An important role here also intangible factors that significantly contribute to the success of a company and thus its value. These include the reputation of a company , the qualifications of the staff and scope of the customer base and brand name .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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"Arab Spring" (taz)

Arab spring
Welcome to the new world
( taz, 01.28.2011 )

For 20 years, our correspondent reported from Egypt. But what happens now, of which he would have dared not even dream of. BY KARIM EL-GAWHARY

The authorities tried to control the streets to win again. Photo: AP

CAIRO taz he was behind the conversation. When I smiled at him and said that we hope, in Egypt this week to do something similar, broke with the official of all dams. He delivered a long speech about how proud he was on the Tunisians. To me at the end with a cheery "Have fun at work and pass on up to" adopt. "Welcome to the new Arab world", I thought. Just two days ago was the same border official part of the apparatus of the dictator Ben Ali, and had every journalist denied the inlet.

As I write this, I'm back in my home in Cairo. It's been less than two weeks. What I told the Tunisian border guards have to cheer have is a reality faster than I had dared to dream. Out on the streets of Egypt, the revolt is raging against the regime of President Husni Mubarak.

For two decades I worked as a correspondent in the region. It was 20 years of political stagnation, punctuated by violent crises, two wars in Iraq, one in Lebanon and in Gaza.

negotiated the editors of my favorite stories of the subjects al-Qaeda and Islamists. Just yesterday I had to smile when I saw on TV the great demonstrations in Yemen against President Ali Abdullah Saleh. There is exactly one year ago, there was no other topic than the Christmas-bomber had tried to blow up a U.S. airliner in the air. All Plott was planned in Yemen, as well as the later failure of packet attacks.

Yemen is the same al-Qaida, was the media order of the day. And now this is initiated peaceful protests for regime change is not from Washington but from the people. Even Osama Bin Laden, who usually comments like bizarre video messages with the events in the Arab world from the sidelines of his hiding place, it is obvious the moment the sly language.

And in Egypt had started the year with a bad attack. The year was not an hour old when someone burst into a Coptic church in Alexandria in the air. The call overtook me when I was on my New Year's Eve celebration in tipsy state on the way home. "This year is going to be fun, I thought me and had not the faintest idea how it actually goes on in the Arabic script. If someone had told me

that soon the Mubarak regime is about to fall, and Ben Ali fled like a thief at night in Tunis, I probably would have laughed at him hysterically also because of the influence of alcohol. This is not a month ago.

It also not a month ago, my phone ran hot in Cairo and all editorial stories about discrimination against Christians in Egypt and the Arab world demanded. On Friday, the Egyptians went back on the streets to protest after Friday prayers against the regime. The beauty of it: About SMS messages have been sent long lists, go to mosques from which the protests.

are on the list as well as numerous churches. They march together against the hated regime. A little was the same atmosphere is already evident in the protests following the attack in Alexandria. Especially as young Christians took to the streets, often accompanied by young Muslims who had then protested together against Mubarak, because the regime does not care enough to protect the Copts and they face discrimination in the state apparatus. Instead loszugehen each other, they had even then their anger against the regime.

They had even accused him a Muslim-Christian strife stir around with this distraction strategy to keep themselves in power. Back when the young people with home-made posters with half moon, crescent and cross, "Down with Mubarak" called for, you might have guessed already can see what will happen three weeks later.

"Our young people run ten steps ahead, and neither politicians nor journalists we come behind," she had told me in Tunis, the chief editor of a newspaper. How right he is. This mix of unemployed, educated youths, intellectuals and people from all areas and all strata, which has the regime change written beyond religion and social status of the flags, driven, but not out of a new Facebook, Twitter and Blogger generation, is something completely new.

To date we set in the West for Arab politics a simple calculation. It was the regime and the Islamists, the dictator or the mosque. Right now the political landscape of the Arab world is completely plowed, and no one knows what new plants will sprout from the ground. You will not be but put the old political categories. It is not only a political but also a generational change, of this is taking place. And the new generation knows is true, as they can handle with the Internet, but it is still not organized politically.

But one thing is certain, the political landscape of the Arab world is more colorful. And the Islamists will find its place, although certainly not in secular Tunisia and probably not take place in Egypt are the largest. The result is a completely new political plurality. Beyond the dictator and the mosque.

that the transition is not easy, as the leader of Tunisia, is where just struggled like many of the old guard is needed in the state apparatus to gently come over to the new time without to give the elderly the chance again to take root. That it is a mistake, the old too fast to cut completely, without having built anything new that could be seen in Iraq, who was overthrown by the dissolution of the Baath Party, the army, the police into absolute chaos.

In that moment, Egypt almost cut off from the rest of the world. The Internet lines are cut off, disconnected the mobile phone networks. I am a little reminiscent of the situation following the recent elections in Iran, where I have also been reported locally. The caps of the Internet was the beginning of a campaign by the Iranian security apparatus, close down the opposition movement.

But in Tunisia, aims at improving the communication channels to stop the young people. A young man who then blogged heavily against the regime, is now the new Tunisian Minister of Youth.

The Domino Effect

17th December 2010: A protest demonstration in the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid after self-combustion of a small merchant harassed by the police begin the Tunisian national uprising.

14th January 2011: Tunisia's Ben Ali dictator fled to Saudi Arabia. In the previous nationwide protests, according to the successor government, 78 civilians killed and 94 injured. There are also over 70 victims of a prison fire and several deaths among the security forces.

15th January: Self-Immolation in Algeria, in the city Boukhadra on the Tunisian border. Many more will follow in the coming days in several Algerian cities and also in Morocco and Mauritania. Most victims survive.

16th January: 3000 people demonstrate in Jordan's capital Amman. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit called speculation about the spread of the Tunisian revolution to other Arab countries "absurd."

17th January: Egyptian police arrested a man with gasoline canisters in front of Parliament in Cairo for fear of self-immolation. Demonstration against the government in Oman.

18th January: First Egyptian self-immolation in Alexandria. First anti-government Demonstrations in Yemen.

21st January: New demonstrations in Jordan.

22nd January: Police in Algeria's capital solves the "march for democracy" by violence in Algiers and arrested several opposition politicians.

25th January: First large-scale demonstrations in Egypt, specifically by Tunisian model. Suppression of the protests, calls for three deaths. The demonstrations will continue over the next few days.

27th January: Further major demonstrations in Yemen's capital Sanaa.

28th January: Protests in Egypt reached its previous peak after the Friday prayer.

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