Reinhard Loske und die Überwindung des Konsumismus Reinhard Loske by the Greens in the
(p. 12)
published an article in which he calls "consumerism to listen "to finally develop a new environmentally and socially just lifestyle:
Whether the mere numbers of climate scientists, and no matter how appalling the human race to reversal move is of course an open question. doubtful. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's weakness purely quantitative targets in his "Notes from the Underground" in 1864, skewered wonderful. "What kind of a pleasure when everything is already figured on the table?", There can he tell his protagonists. The fact doubts the government of the science and provides a terribly boring, but come up but extremely sensible society, any really exciting prospect. The empirical science can help us to understand climate change. You can give us the barriers within which we have to move to avoid the crash. But they can give us any suggestions on how we can shape the social process of us from the path of self-destruction and diverts into safe area. For that we need social imagination, political will to act and genuine willingness to change.
All wind turbines, wood pellet and hybrid cars will not save us but if we are living longer dodge the question of style. Since there is a natural shyness which is understandable, especially for politicians who shun the charge of preaching renunciation as the plague. But consumerism, so the accumulation of goods as a substitute for sense, is now the biggest enemy of climate protection. Therefore, it is a cultural task of the first order, the return to convey the human dimension.
Without a vision of sustainable lifestyles and good society in any case the climate change runs the risk of being technocratic. This one will not start easily from the "old" consumer criticism of Erich Fromm and Rudolf Bahro. Modern capitalism is intelligent and refined, his imagination is boundless. Just as he transformed longing for nature in outdoor clothing and SUVs, he turns consumerism in tattered pants, cool t-shirts and book-sellers. Consumerism to trick is moderation with joy, surrender with pleasure, less with more, connect with ascetic self-discovery, to encourage and to encourage imitation. When the plurality of our society will not lead to unity life style, but to a variety of lifestyles, but that would be all climate-friendly.
course, it is important to make an important caveat: If a waiver of the rich would simply not to use their off-roaders in the fast time on Sunday, while for the poor, the reduction of the Hartz IV benefits from 345 € per month meant to 300 €, would such an approach without the prospect of broad social approval. The chance to help moderate lifestyles breakthrough increases with social justice, nationally and internationally. Das Grundeinkommen für jede und jeden könnte die Brücke sein, um übermäßigen Wachstumsdruck von der Gesellschaft zu nehmen. Es ist an der Zeit, die ökologische und die soziale Frage endlich zusammenzudenken.
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