Wednesday, December 17, 2008

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"Political stalking the ORF

Der "Zeit im Bild"-Moderator Armin Wolf kritisiert erneut die politische Einflussnahme auf den ORF und fordert: "Rettet den ORF vor seinen Rettern".

Laut Wolf geht die Politik der ORF nichts an. Drucken Senden Leserbrief
D ie jüngsten Interessenbekundungen der Politik an einer "Neuaufstellung" des ORF haben "Zeit im Bild"-Moderator Armin Wolf zu einem neuen Hilferuf veranlasst: In einem Gastkommentar für die Mittwoch-Ausgabe der Tageszeitung Der Standard spricht Wolf von "politischem Stalking" gegen den ORF. Schon vor zweieinhalb Jahren hatte der "ZiB 2"-Anchorman in einer Rede anlässlich der Verleihung des Robert Hochner-Preises interne Strukturen im ORF sowie die politische Einflussnahme von außen kritisiert. Damals trat er damit in der ORF-Debatte eine Lawine los. Heute fordert Wolf: "Rettet den ORF vor seinen Rettern".

Neo-Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) kündigte an, sich als eine seiner ersten Maßnahmen um den ORF kümmern zu wollen. Und der niederösterreichische Landeshauptmann Erwin Pröll (ÖVP) fordert eine Reform des ORF-Gesetzes inklusive personeller Neuaufstellung. Diese Aussagen empfindet Wolf als "gefährliche Drohung". "Nirgendwo in der Bundesverfassung oder im ORF Act is that is written that the Chancellor has to take care of the ORF. The jurisdiction of provincial governors for organizational and personnel changes in public broadcasting is in no clause enshrined, "said Wolf. It specifically the ORF Act, however, the" stresses independence from government and party influence ".

task of the Board

Given the position of the ORF, which this year is writing a decline of about 100 million € was, rather, asked the Board of Trustees. Its task was "the monitoring of management" and the "appointment and dismissal of the Director General of the Directors and Regional Directors. But Wolf also locates the influence of politics. According to ORF-law had the only interest are the trustees in the best interests of the ORF. "Interestingly and sadly, they interpret this order but regularly along the narrow limits of so-called 'Friends of', is read from those in the law nothing," Wolf criticized.

If the ORF need a new management, had this question "not the Lord Faymann and / or Pröll decide, but the 35 members of the Board that are" bound in the exercise of their functions to any directives and orders. " Of stalking and dangerous threats "in the ORF-law is the question. "All the more should defend the Board of Trustees, the ORF employees and the general public against such attacks, "said Wolf.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

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Fekter tasers a chance

The controversial electric weapons are not as bad as batons. it wants the Home Secretary the devices not.

. The Taser-stop in prison is loud Fekter unfounded empirically Print Send letter
I the debate n by the use of Tasers - the COURIER reported - has been Interior Minister Maria Fekter (ÖVP) to speak. It is not fundamentally opposed to the controversial Taser electrical weapons reinstated in prisons. It appears that weapon the least invasive methods in comparison with a baton, she said Wednesday morning at a press conference. Nor did it understand that completing the task forces and prison officers in the executive with the appropriate equipment with their work often "rabid" clients wanted. were self-experiment with electric shock gun

"video. They advocated ein, den Einsatz der Waffen nochmals zu überprüfen. So müsse man schauen, ob die Verletzungsgefahr durch den Sturz nach dem Schuss aus der Elektro-Waffe verantwortbar sei. Den von Ex-Justizministerin Maria Berger verfügten Taser-Stopp sieht Fekter jedenfalls als eine Entscheidung an, die nicht auf empirischen Fakten beruht hätte.

Berger hatte den Taser-Gebrauch im Strafvollzug im Februar ausgesetzt, nachdem es zu heftiger Kritik von Menschenrechtsorganisationen und dem UN-Ausschuss gegen Folter gekommen war.

Link zum Originalartikel

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Has Anyone Ordered A Mechadoll

melamine is now also found in gingerbread

Süßwarenhersteller Feel free to use ammonium carbonate as a leavening agent from China. Now immersed in the chemical on gingerbread samples.

I n milk-containing candies and cookies from China is the chemical melamine has already been demonstrated. Now the toxic material was discovered in ammonium carbonate from China, which is often used as a leavening agent for gingerbread. That the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Consumer Protection reported in Stuttgart. From the Austrian Ministry of Health, there were until Tuesday afternoon, no opinion.

28 ammonium carbonate samples were analyzed in Baden-Württemberg, five from pharmacies or health food stores, four bakers, 13 from the U.S. and six from the food retail trade. Seven samples from five different batches corresponded not with the purity requirements of food law.

No risk

"The food control authorities have prohibited the further processing of the rejected goods immediately," said a ministry spokeswoman. She was no longer in circulation. Yet the full delivery routes are determined. "For the consumer who likes to gingerbread, there is no danger."

ammonium carbonate (ammonium bicarbonate), in particular for the production of gingerbread Mengen von unter einem Prozent eingesetzt. Selbst bei Kleinkindern, der empfindlichsten Verbrauchergruppe, wäre ein täglicher Verzehr von einem halben Kilogramm von mit belastetem Hirschhornsalz hergestellter Backwaren nach einer Bewertung durch die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) noch sicher. Die Auswirkungen von Melamin, das aus Harnstoff gewonnen wird, auf den menschlichen Körper sind aber kaum erforscht.


Artikel vom 02.12.2008 14:09 - Read on Wikipedia: What is melamine?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

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Maestro ATM function can be abused in the Internet

26.11.2008 Fraudsters. Accounts with ATM function can be enabled for online shops with information from a bank statement and the date of birth.

The payment service PayLife brings holders of current accounts with debit function, a new security risk. A new service allows online payments. For these payments, according to a personal operator is required Maestro SecureCode. According to a report of concerned, however, it can be very simple: This requires only the information a statement of account and the account holder's date of birth required. Beides ist für Betrüger leicht zu beschaffen. hat gemeinsam mit Studenten der FH Johanneum Graz getestet, wie leicht die SecureCodes zu beschaffen sind. Die Studenten haben sich laut Bericht binnen zehn Minuten registrieren können. Anschließend sei es problemlos möglich gewesen in insgesamt 15.000 angeschlossenen Shops einzukaufen. Für die alternative Möglichkeit der Registrierung wurde die eigentliche Bankomatkarte nicht benötigt. Kontonummer, Geburtsdatum und "das Wissen über Bankomat-Bezahlvorgänge" hätte genügt und eine bestimmte "Identifikationsnummer" sei leicht zu erraten gewesen.


Link to original article Link to ORF Atikel

Monday, November 24, 2008

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Rufunterdrückung: The custom image behind the allegedly counterfeit mobile phone studies

conflict between the mobile phone industry & science
mobile phone radiation:

chronology of events

    more to the story
  • ·
mega-scandal Wiener mobile study


That the case of so much international interest comes, has to do with that between mobile industry and skeptical science highly competitive research. The mobile phone industry, the occupational physician Christian Wolf and other scientists for years, of explaining that it would have been able any scientific study, some emanating from mobile phone radiation health risks to prove. Many of these studies are in the opinion of independent Swiss experts are not worth the paper on which they stand.

therefore started the Verum Foundation in Munich, the REFLEX project, which one should clarify once and for all whether there is ever any biological effects of mobile phone radiation. Would deny this question, then one could avoid any further study of suspected health effects of mobile phone radiation. The study the EU-sponsored study of 3.2 million € in the period 2000 to 2004 in Europe carried out in several centers, including in Vienna under the leadership of Hugo Rüdiger, former Chef der Arbeitsmedizin an der Wiener Medizin-Universität.

Ergebnis: Handystrahlung könne zu DNA-Strangbrüchen führen und – ähnlich wie starke Sonnenbestrahlung – ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko bedeuten. Für die Mobilfunkindustrie war dies ein Schlag ins Gesicht. „Die Effekte passieren nämlich weit unterhalb der derzeit geltenden Grenzwerte“, erklärte der Münchener Internist Franz Adlkofer, Koordinator der REFLEX-Studie.

Seit der Veröffentlichung der Studienergebnisse werden diese heftig angezweifelt, so auch von Christian Wolf, Rüdigers Nachfolger als Leiter der Wiener Arbeitsmedizin. Wolf ist zudem stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats Funk (WBF), acting on behalf of the Transport Ministry as the expert panel on health issues in the field of mobile communications. The findings of the advisory board - that it is related to mobile phone radiation gives no health concerns - met with some scientists strongly criticized (see box page 79).

Besides Wolf was also a biologist Alexander Lerchl of the Jacob University Bremen from the start to most massive to the critics of the REFLEX study. Reason: The data presented were simply "too good to be true" (see box page 77). At first shocked even the now retired investigator Hugo Rüdiger. With face of the message that he had betrayed one of its long serving staff for years, he wanted to withdraw the two studies at once. Only when he learned that K. denies the forgery, he was inspired by his ex-assistant to confirm in writing that they have the cell phone studies "invariably under Doppelverblindung" performed.
After weeks had passed without the forgery was able to prove or disprove it, beat Rector Schütz - according to Rüdiger - a "deal" before: Rüdiger should withdraw themselves from one of the two relevant studies for technical reasons. In return he would give Fälschungsvorwurf bei beiden Studien fallen lassen. Rüdiger willigte in den Handel ein, weil er seinen ehemaligen Mitarbeitern, die ihre wissenschaftlichen Karrieren noch vor sich haben, eine weitere Rufschädigung ersparen wolle.

Ende Juli schrieb Rüdiger einen „Letter of Retraction“ an Hans Drexler, Arbeitsmediziner aus Erlangen und Herausgeber des Journals „International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health“, in dem die jüngere der beiden Studien publiziert wurde. Darin hält Rüdiger jedoch fest, dass er von der „Richtigkeit der Daten überzeugt ist“ und sicher ist, dass sie „in naher Zukunft bestätigt werden“.

Damit war die Causa but still on the table: Although Drexler, after some initial hesitation, but ultimately agreed to withdraw the study, this is still not officially done. And while contactor denies the existence of the alleged Rüdiger deals, both now say Rüdiger like REFLEX Coordinator Adlkofer, this deal is even part of the minutes of the set of contactor Ethics Council, in which they had access after repeated Urgenz may take. In a related release Adlkofer writes: "The minutes, which is inexplicably handled as a confidential document and not published, [...] shows convincingly that the allegations are unfounded against the group most likely are. [...] But what the Rector? Regardless of the content of the minutes he repeated his accusations in other public statements. "

Final proof?
But in the meantime, Christian Wolf believes the final proof of the forgery to have found: On the back pages of K's book, he found records of laboratory experiments, together with codes, but these are provided with a date from the year 2005. K. concedes that it is obvious from these records is their own handwriting will, but do not understand how the records from the year 2005 will come in a book that they will not until January 2008, in use.
On 13 K. November was again heard by the Ethics Council. There she was, according to Rüdiger confirm in writing that their codes were known since the year 2002. So they should admit that they have the first of two studies that have carried out in 2004 with GMS signals REFLEX study, and not just a fake in 2007 with UMTS signals conducted follow-up examination. K. refused, however, the signature and declared once again that they had learned only in April 2008 as the codes can be cracked.

The fact that the laboratory assistant, the codes since 2002 I know, but can not prove with the ominous, Wolf book discovered in the laboratory records from 2005. And the study in 2004, the only one to Vienna by the researchers was carried out as part of the REFLEX project was, at first not in Vienna but in Berlin, because around that time in Vienna did not exist the necessary irradiation machine . To this end, K was sent to Berlin for about three weeks to complete their studies at the local machine. A they were under constant surveillance of foreign colleagues, immediate results "fabricated", it is difficult to imagine.

Meanwhile, the Vienna Institute for Cancer Research led with other methods, studies of those cells that had been used previously in the irradiation study, the occupational physician. Yet cancer researchers arrived at results that match the results of radiation studies (see box left).

REFLEX Coordinator Franz Adlkofer suspects now behind the events in Vienna, an intrigue with far-reaching purpose: "This is an attack on REFLEX and the follow-up projects, because they hurt the industry and speak against the existing limit values."

Adlkofer had previously submitted under the name MOPHORAD a successor project to the EU, which now are the first time the effects of mobile phone radiation on living people for. Only if they also show there effects that could be said with sufficient certainty whether cell phone radiation pose a health risk or not. But although the project was rated as excellent, the EU seeks to not have this now.
the full story see the current profile of 48/2008.

link to the original article by Profile

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

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Hans Mommsen in Germany Kultur

"Everyone must learn to cooperate with the Left Party"
historian Hans Mommsen has to hysteria in the media and the attitude of his party SPD

In sharp words of the historian Hans Mommsen criticizes the public reaction to the failure of the red-red-green government plans in Hesse. The media accused the renowned historian, to have one fueled by a campaign "senseless kind of" irrational fears of the voters before the Left Party.
This is the epilogue of a hysterical anti-communism "and a" irrationalism, which is itself a disease in the political system of the West German Federal Republic, "said Mommsen.

particularly criticized Mommsen, even SPD member, the attitude of the SPD federal head to cooperate with the Left Party: "I think this stupid insurance by Mr Muentefering and Mr Steinmeier on this sick German public, they would never form a coalition with this party, himself a nuisance."

Mommsen regretted the failure of the red-red-green project in Hessen. It would have been good, "demonstrate that it will work without that causes an uprising in Hesse. The Left had "specific issues", such as in foreign policy or in NATO's question, it must talk about it, so Mommsen further, but it was unjustified, it generally as "politically acceptable" to qualify. "Alle müssen lernen, mit der Linkspartei zusammenzuarbeiten."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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ÖBB - Always around Seek outwitted

You have to imagine that there is the possibility for the ÖBB not only 1 or 2 Class passenger, but is treated not at all. According to their own experiments, it was found that the ÖBB lock individual customers for the online ticket booking can. It is possible to nurmehr bedahlen by credit card but not on contract mobile phone or by direct debit.
Under the service hotline 051 717 of the ÖBB was on 16.10.2008 announced that it was not possible to book by direct debit over 30 €. Mobile Phone bills are generally not possible. preferred and not preferred
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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ePassport control at Elvis checks in

30.09.2008 A man goes to the electronic passport control, his chip will be read and accepted. The screen shows the data of the man: Elvis Aaron Presley.

vulnerability data verification have been successfully integrated the hack by van Beek, a Java Card used. On this run he allowed an emulator applet. In addition, should the Scanners do not check all the safety features. here complete documentation, including the relevant code passages published.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Pesticides: EU rules could endanger our food?

03.09.2008 Fruit and vegetables at a price. And not only at the box office, but also for our health. Because in order to minimize the infestation by pests and thus improve the look, many pesticides are used, which contain harmful pesticides. So far, the EU states have regulated the majority of the authorization of these funds themselves. But since 1 September is for 1,100 single pesticide limits in the Union. As there have such uniformity in Austria for 200 substances higher limits than before, now a dispute has broken out, which extends to the government.

Cause of the conflict, a study of the environmental organization Global 2000, which concludes that too many of the acute now permitted limits and can result in chronic health hazards is. According to the authors, numerous limits have been established "so generously" that already threatened once to use a hazard. At 570 limits for fruit and vegetables, the so-called acute reference dose for children will be exceeded. Leaders in the pesticide exposure were grapes, pears and apples.

SPÖ environment spokeswoman Petra Bayr holds the EU's new rules for "unacceptable". Criticism also comes from the Greens, the BZÖ and the citizens' initiative "Save Austria". The Austrian People's Party led by Minister Andrea Kdolsky Health Department and the EU Commission, however try to reassure consumers.

"600 forbidden substances" responsible head of the Ministry of Health Ulrich Herzog confirmed on request but the "press" that were raised by harmonizing some limits in Austria. He stressed however that this had had a purely technical reasons. Because the maximum limit of 0.01 milligrams per kilogram, which was for many pesticides previously laid down in Austria, had not been measured. Now are the maximum values been raised only to measurable values. Simultaneously, the EU also taken 600 substances completely from the market. "There are now more security," Herzog is convinced. "For now, the EU applies a single set -. As well as for paprika from Spain," The Health Ministry is still ready to forward the objections of Global 2000 to the responsible EU bodies. The limits are set by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
The EU Commission also accepted the new limits, but is also true that there were some increases in addition to lowering of limit values. After all, we have by Regulation Countries also get into the boat, which had previously been provided for individual products, any pesticide-limits, it was called at the request of "press". give

"security is not threatened"

The conflict over the limits it "not only a production, but also a consumer item, said a spokeswoman for EU Health Commissioner Vassiliou. The charge would include Global 2000, for children threaten some massive damage to health, one can not understand in Vassiliou office: After all, are the limits have been "tested and tested scientifically," said the spokeswoman for the Commissioner. "The safety of citizens is not threatened, it will be to facilitate trade." Overall, the EU Commission was an "enormous effort in a very complicated matter" succeeded. Environmental organizations would have in essence only "cherry picking parts" to argue against the regulation. overview of the limits:

http:// / sanco

pesticides / public / index.cfm

www. / To the original article

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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food companies save: cheeseburger with less cheese


less ingredients, cheaper substitutes. The food industry is trying to save without noticing the consumer.
initLightbox ();

because rising world prices for wheat and sugar are looking for, many food producers for new recipes to reduce their production costs. Expensive ingredients are replaced by cheaper alternatives, and portions are smaller. Prices remain in most cases the same or even increases, reports the Wall Street Journal. Taste and quality of which would not suffer, however, say the manufacturers. Book is also of spices, says Alan Wilson, Chief Executive of the spice suppliers McCormick: "With alternative ingredients and flavor technologies, we help food manufacturers to replace their expensive ingredients with cheaper, while maintaining the quality."

new tomatoes for the ketchup

In sweets cocoa butter is partially replaced by vegetable oil instead of milk and enzyme-modified products are used. McDonald's currently is testing more cost-effective way to prepare his double cheeseburger. Already sold in some stores that only with a slice of cheese instead of two. Burger King also plans to introduce a smaller Whopper Jr. hamburger, to cut costs, reports the Wall Street Journal. Smaller are the mini-editions of the Mars Inc. products, including M & Ms and Snickers. Ketchup giant Heinz tries contrast with specially grown, especially sweet tomatoes, reduce the addition of expensive corn syrup in ketchup. In production, this new culture is not used, however. stabilizers instead of milk

nutrition experts criticize many of the changes in the recipes. In particular, the use of stabilizers and thickeners instead of expensive low-fat milk in ice cream, cheese or milk drinks is criticized. "This is absolutely not a comparable replacement. What makes milk products so wonderful are your calcium and nutrients," says Bonnie Taub-Dix of the American Dietetic Association. Nicole Reichert from food producers Cargill considers, however, opposed to cookies and cream sauces anyway not the main supplier of vitamins and minerals are: "Weigh You have the benefits of caloric reduction through the use of substitutes for a small reduction of vitamins and minerals."


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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hacker telephoned at the expense of U.S. authority

21.08.2008 Homeland security is a leading and long distance calls for about 12,000 dollars. Embarrassing: Of all the authority that was on the phone at their expense, had warned in 2003 against just such intrusions.

initLightbox ();

A hacker has broken into the phone system of the United States Agency for homeland security for 12,000 dollars (8150 euros) performed long-distance calls to the Middle East and Asia . As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Wednesday in Washington, the hacker said on the weekend on the voice mail system, more than 400 times in countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, India and Yemen. Most interviews lasted about three minutes, others up to ten minutes, as FEMA spokesman Tom Oshanski said.

The telephone company discovered the fraud and eventually severed the connection for long distance calls from FEMA training center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The voicemail system was recently installed. This type of hacking is relatively primitive and "old school," said Jack Johnson, a security consultant. Ten to 15 years the method was widely used, now that the security precautions were being improved. "In this case it's a little embarrassing that the FEMA selbst passiert ist", sagte Johnson. Die FEMA gehört zur Behörde für Heimatsicherheit, die 2003 vor genau solchen Hackerangriffen warnte.

Monday, August 18, 2008

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Hier ein (gekürzter) Kommentar von Andreas Zumach zum Georgien-Konflikt ( taz, 15.8.2008

Der Konflikt mit Russland ist Teil eines globalen Kampfs um Öl und Gas.

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Mit seinem militärischen Vorgehen in und gegen Georgien hat Russland eindeutig gegen die UNO-Charta und das humanitäre Völkerrecht verstoßen. Doch so notwendig diese Feststellung auch ist: angesichts der realen Machtverhältnisse wirkt die Verurteilung Moskaus hilflos - und aus dem Mund so mancher PolitikerInnen und Intellektueller in westlichen Hauptstädten wie Washington, Paris und Berlin, aber auch in Warschau oder Vilnius klingt sie auch scheinheilig und verlogen. Immerhin trägt man dort eine erhebliche Mitverantwortung für die Eskalation, die zu dem heißen Krieg auf dem Kaukasus geführt hat.

Am Drehbuch für diesen Krieg wird bereits seit Anfang der Neunzigerjahre geschrieben. Damals, nach dem Disintegration of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union was that the West only briefly the vision of Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's reform of the "common European house" on. The "Conference / Organization for Security and Cooperation (C / OSCE) should" be the heart of the European architecture "for it was in the" Charter for a New Europe "in 1990 in Paris by the leaders of all 54 Member States of the CSCE was formally proclaimed. But it stayed with the rhetoric.

Andreas Zumach is taz correspondent at the UN in Geneva. Photo: taz
Indeed, Western governments have since been systematically strengthened NATO and extended it eastward to the borders of Russia, while it could deteriorate the OSCE. Rather than engage Moscow by OSCE agreed with all the rights and obligations there in Europe, the country in the NATO-Russia Council was put off for a mere appearance. With the illegal recognition of Kosovo, the U.S. and EU have created a dangerous precedent that the credibility of their criticism of Russia is undermining support for the breakaway Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. And the "anti-missile project in the vicinity to Russia's western border, to which the United States and Poland agreed on Thursday the final and is supported by the NATO explicitly sets the provocation of Moscow continued.

The conflict over the Georgian provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the rights of minorities living there had long been resolved, he would not be part of a large energy poker game between the U.S., Russia and the EU in the Caspian basin and Central Asia. This poker began when secured the big oil companies of the United States after the end of the Soviet Union far-reaching access and development rights to the oil and gas reserves in the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union [...].

Is the West's energy policy, the war in Georgia will be hot in the years to follow further wars in the Caucasus or Central Asia. U.S., NATO and the EU are a powerful Russia will face similar helplessly divided and incapable of action as now.

change can be so only if the West is freed as soon as possible from its slavish dependence on oil and gas by the energy efficiency significantly increased, reducing the per capita energy consumption dramatically, and above all a much greater extent than before switching to solar, wind and other renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Diminishing demand for Oil and gas would not only qualify Russia's current power again. It would also help the country needed to diversify its economy and exports, and weaken the power of the state power companies, which is highly problematic within society. This would also improve the conditions for development of Russia to the rule of law and democracy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

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Notice: Account data scandal in Germany

12.08.2008 always ask how come these people again and again to their own secret code, because you have become accustomed. Because the answer is simple: The contact appeared to have landed in any address database. By a careless checking for competitions, by unreliable employee of a company whose customer you are. This is annoying, as long as it remains in telephone and direct mail attacks, but relatively harmless.

The scandal that is now brewing in Germany seems however to be of a different caliber. There, the Consumer Association of Schleswig-Holstein revealed on Tuesday that a disc containing sensitive Contact details of 17,000 German citizens have been illegally sold to third parties. In the data sets were found not only names, birth dates, addresses and telephone numbers, but the account numbers of those affected.

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went In that case, the alleged fraudsters obviously a step further. By several accounts were illegally debited money, although the parties "unequivocally rejected any participation in a game of chance," said the spokesman for the Consumer Centre Schleswig-Holstein, Thomas Hagen. Weichert sees in this case, only the tip of the iceberg. "We fear that behind every case put hundreds of other cases where people do not report. They are just as affected and may also be ripped off, "said Weichert. Where are the sensitive information is as yet unclear.

"People do not care" In Austria, a comparable case is officially unknown, Hans Zeger, president of the Argentina data shows, in conversation with the "press" but little surprise. Again and again, firms without permission in Austria DVDs get sent tens of thousands of records, he explained. also complaints from citizens who complain about unwanted callers or suspicious account activity, were known to him. The most pressing problem of privacy advocates, however, locates in the apparent indifference of the public towards the issue itself. "Basically, this is the People do not care, "he says, and confirms the Austrians a sloppy handling of their data. This is the risk that sensitive information from getting to unauthorized persons is greater now than ever. previously had any official or employees (for weight reasons), only the relevant act here, with every employee now de facto the entire customer base on the USB stick with him. Zeger fears that the "norm" could be that such large amounts of data loss or theft out to third.

Here there are ways to do something about it, he says. For example one more stringent regulation dessen, auf welche Daten einzelne Mitarbeiter tatsächlich Zugriff haben, die Gefahr bereits minimieren. Als Mindestmaßnahme fordert Zeger jedoch eine Verständigungspflicht für den Fall, dass sensible Informationen verloren gehen. Dann könnten sich die Betroffenen zumindest darauf einstellen, dass sie mit unerwünschten Anrufen oder unüblichen Abbuchungen rechnen müssen.

("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 13.08.2008)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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USA: Largest case of credit card fraud busted

06.08.2008 then sold on. U.S. Attorney General Mukasey, according to the perpetrators operated out of various countries.

are the largest and most complicated case of credit card fraud in the U.S. eleven suspects accused of having stolen the data of 40 million cardholders. The men had used sophisticated computer hacking technology to crack security systems, thereby collect large amounts of data, the U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday (local time) with. The suspects - including U.S. citizens, Ukrainians and Chinese - were in court in three US-Staaten angeklagt.

Die Datendiebe verkauften den Angaben zufolge die Kreditkartennummern für Millionenbeträge. Die Käufer aus aller Welt hätten die Daten dann auf leere Kreditkarten geladen und damit an Automaten große Geldbeträge abgehoben. Die Angeklagten hätten sich Zugang zu drahtlosen Internet-Verbindungen von mindestens neun großen US-Einzelhändlern verschafft, um an die Nummern zu gelangen. Nach den Worten von US-Justizminister Michael Mukasey operierten die Männer von verschiedenen Ländern aus. "Durch das weltumspannende Internet können Kriminelle von praktisch überall auf der Erde aus aktiv in order to steal personal information of our citizens, "he

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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WLAN: radiation kann Gesundheit schädigen

30.07.2008 UK wide public discussion on the possible harmful side effects of the wireless Internet technology thrown. The newspaper Daily Mail reported, formed mainly in the ranks of British teachers of increasing resistance against the use of wireless technology in schools.

decisive factor for the growing concern is a series of recent studies that indicate the specific health risks of wireless transmission method. Thus, their use among other symptoms like loss of concentration, fatigue, memory impairment or headache should be responsible.

"The rush to the installation of wireless computer networks in schools, the health of children placed unnecessarily at risk, "said Philip Parkin, general secretary of the British teaching union


. fear, the Voice-General that the separate wireless devices electromagnetic radiation, the nervous system in children is still in development, could cause harm. Without a proper investigation of the long-term effect of the escaping radiation should have no other wireless internet connections are installed in schools, urges Parkin.

"On the subject of wireless Internet and potential health risks, there is still no sufficient tangible results of the study "says Gerd Oberfeld, Umweltmediziner beim Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung fest. Dennoch empfiehlt der Experte WLAN-Anbindungen aus gesundheitlichen Gründen auf ein unbedingt notwendiges Maß zu reduzieren. "Der Strahlungspegel von WLAN ist unstrittig. Er liegt in der Regel zwischen 100 und 1.000 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter", betont Oberfeld. Kopfschmerzen würden etwa ab einem Wert von 500 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter häufiger auftreten. Erschwerend hinzu komme weiters die Tatsache, dass WLAN-Strahlung einen relativ hohen niederfrequenten Strahlungsanteil aufweise, der biologisch gesehen besonders aktiv sei.

Bedenken auch in Österreich

Dass UK calls for the teaching profession a more cautious approach to the wireless technology in schools, is commander-perfectly understandable. "In Austria we take the concerns in this regard very seriously," he clarifies. We have about determined that a wireless access point in a classroom, even if he is located in the far corner of the room due to reflections on the walls still radiation in the extent of about 100 microwatts per square meter strange. "In Salzburg, there is therefore a separate decision by Parliament, is to be used by the WLAN in schools because of safety and health concerns are very cautious," said commander-in conclusion.


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Sicherheits-Leck ermöglicht Hackern Kontrolle des WWW

The mishap that Kaminski had been identified, was in the heart of the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS). This is responsible, readable domain names like the underlying web pages assigned. To this end, it maps the domain name with a number code - The IP address - to. The same happens in the background when sending e-mails. This is the DNS the phonebook of the Internet: Would now be hacked criminals there, they would change the allocation of each domain name to its IP address - and dominate the Internet. Auch die Seiten von E-Mail-Anbietern hätten die Hacker nachbauen können, um so Benutzernamen und Passwörter auszuspähen. Doch selbst, wenn der eigene E-Mail-Anbieter nicht betroffen gewesen wäre, hätten Mails abgefangen werden können: Auch beim Versenden von Nachrichten wird die Adresse des Empfängers einer IP-Nummer zugeordnet. Angreifbar wären zudem große Netzwerke von Unternehmen, Behörden und Universitäten gewesen.

Geheime Search for a solution

contacted after its discovery, Kaminsky companies like software giant Microsoft and Sun, or the Internet and network specialist Cisco. These put together a team of 16 researchers to secret to find a solution. The result was the patch that is available since Tuesday, and shares the all participating companies simultaneously. At the same time also published, established in the U.S. by companies and the state security partnership CERT warning.

"People should be worried, but not panic," Kaminsky said Tuesday in a conference call. For most computer owners should patch automatically via the regular security updates be installed. Who should be on his computer, including Windows, Automatic Updates is turned off, however, perform a manual update to install the repair program, said Daniel Bach box of the computer magazine c't.

the repair program is installed, the problem should be fixed: Hackers can not, according to Kaminsky's close to the original error. The technical details of the breakdown should be kept secret for a month, so that sufficient time remains for the updates.


Link to original article

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Best Ballooning Technique

Nestlé will auch weiterhin Globalisierungsgegener bespitzeln

23.07.2008 Under Cover of Attac The security firm Securitas was introduced on behalf of Nestle, a young associate at the anti-globalization organization Attac, to gather information about possible protests. The sound out of the Vaud Attac section was seen in connection with the events prior to the G8 demonstrations in June 2003. In the spring of 2003 was at a farmers' leader Jose Bove demonstration, attended by Attac was involved in the Nestle headquarters in Vevey caused great material damage. Attac Attac (Association pour une taxation of transactions financières pour l'aide aux citoyens, t: Association for Taxation of Financial Transactions for the benefit of citizens ") is a global justice network, which on 3 Founded in June 1998 in France. It was only to protect Attac have had then announced that this was only the beginning and at the G8 summit in nearby Evian, France, the "main course" follow. Why Nestle had to take a view on the summit arrangements. The Group had it been an effort to help protect employees, buildings and equipment, Frick argued.

infiltration allowed in Switzerland?

The affair was in mid-June by a review of the television station TSR got the ball rolling. Attacking it filed a complaint against Nestle for illegal invasion of privacy and breach of privacy laws. The group stressed that the measures had been agreed with the Swiss law. Whether this was indeed the case, then the court clarified in Lausanne.

articles ( Link

Nestlé chief urges use of genetic engineering

Cologne - The head of the largest food company provoked: "An gene has not yet died of organic products already," Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe said today in a published preliminary report in the business magazine "Capital". "If we leave everything to nature, we will soon no longer here," warned the head of the Swiss group. The reservations of German consumers he described as "German Romanticism". Brabeck-Letmathe it, the report revealed wrong to condemn a technology just because it involves a risk. The consumer will learn to appreciate the benefits of genetic engineering yet. The technology was invented in Europe. "Instead of pride in it, we despise them and leave lightly Americans, Chinese and Brazilians the field," he complained.

sam / ddp


Spiegel Online

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How A Scorpio Man Acts When In Love

Falco Wiener Blut

Monday, July 21, 2008

Blue Print For A Rabbit Hutch

Kennedy-Mord: eine Verschwörung

Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only shooter

A ZDF Reportage

a shock for the Western World: John F. Kennedy, the charismatic young U.S. president, on 22 November 1963 in Dallas shot. Officially by a single perpetrator, using a "magic bullet" in almost an impossible trajectory. Doubts about this version nurture conspiracy theories. Now there is new evidence: There was a second shooter. And it was contracting for the murder of the president.


Kennedy himself opts for an open car - and wants no bodyguards in his immediate vicinity. The bodyguards follow in the car behind the President Sedan. Fatal Decision: At about 12.30 clock, when the column at Dealy Plaza reached the school book depository, is the first shot. The bullet hits the neck of the president.

indie doubts about the official version of the course are entitled to murder. The ZDF documentary sheds new light on the 22th November 1963, his 35th of the Americas President lost. The election campaign for Kennedy's visit to the Texas metropolis of a media event. With him sitting in the car his wife, Jaqueline, the Texas governor John Connally, his wife Nellie and two Secret Service agents.

In an open car through Dallas without bodyguards, President Kennedy and his wife Jaqueline

The history of the "magic bullet"

The official final report of the Warren Commission "will come later to the conclusion that first ball was then the chest of Governor Connally pierced, it will still hurt the wrist and thigh. A "magic bullet". Only with this assumption can be adventurous, investigators say there was only one shooter.

Animation: What was it really?

sacked after the first shot Governor Connally in the bosom of his wife. But Kennedy is wearing a corset - because of his back condition. He remains sitting upright. Another shot hits him in the head, broke off a piece of skull. With the dying the President JFK limousine racing to the nearest hospital. By 13 clock Kennedy is pronounced dead.
  • investigation manipulated
The doubts about the official version from the only offender sparked director Oliver Stone once again: his movie "JFK - Tatort Dallas" with Kevin Costner, the American people into turmoil. The U.S. Congress is forced to publish previously secret files to the "Warren Commission".

Two days after the Kennedy assassination: Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald assassin.
Attentat John F. Kennedy. Quelle: ap
Der Blick in die Akten belegt: Es wurde schlampig ermittelt. Es ging nicht um Aufklärung, sondern darum, die These vom einzigen Schützen durchzudrücken. Augenzeugen, die auch Schüsse vom nahen Grashügel gehört hatten, wurden gar nicht erst befragt. An den Röntgenbildern und Wunden des Präsidenten wurde manipuliert, um Einschüsse von vorne zu vertuschen. Die Aufnahme von Amateurfilmer Abraham Zapruder wurde nur oberflächlich analysiert.
Der Zapruder-Film
Der Mord an JFK wurde von mehreren Zeugen fotografiert und gefilmt. Die wichtigste und bekannteste Image was taken from the cloth manufacturer Abraham Zapruder. It documents the entire attack from close range. For ZDF, the famous "Zapruder film" once again re-sampled in HD. This can be proved: When the first shot is fired, the limousine from Oswald's position in the 6th Floor of the school textbook accounts of seeing nothing.

The CIA draws the suspicion of Castro.

CIA covered up margins
There was a zweiten Schützen. Es war eine Verschwörung. Aber wer steckt dahinter? Kubanische Exilanten verbreiteten 1963, Castro habe den Mordauftrag erteilt. Die ZDF-Dokumentation veröffentlicht Beweise, dass die CIA direkt nach Kennedys Tod zehntausende Dollars an Exil-Kubaner bezahlte, um dieses Gerücht zu streuen. Erfinder der ersten Verschwörungstheorie zu JFK war mithin die CIA. Die CIA verweigert bis heute die Freigabe von über 1000 weiteren Geheimakten.

  • Doch schon jetzt kann man beweisen: In den Wochen vor dem Attentat geriet Oswald mehrfach ins Visier the CIA agents, without the threat that was detected. Were then covered up the margins by the CIA deputy director Richard Helms. The same man, who later served as CIA director in Nixon's Watergate scandal involved.

The Godfather of New Orleans

Mafia planned the assassination of JFK

But there is a powerful secret organization, the interest Murder at the President added that the American Mafia feels betrayed by the Kennedys. Father Joseph has been Shops mit den Paten gemacht. Auch zum Wahlsieg JFKs haben die Mafiosi beigetragen - durch Wahlspenden und Wahlstimmen. Doch die Hoffnung, dass "ihr" Präsident nun gegen Castro vorgeht, der auf Kuba die Mafia-Geschäfte stillgelegt hatte, erfüllt sich nicht. Im Gegenteil: JFKs Bruder Robert verfolgt als Justizminister die organisierte Kriminalität mit aller Härte.

Jack Ruby erschießt Kennedy-Attentäter Lee Harvey Oswald . Quelle: ap Schon vier Tage vor Dallas, am 18. November 1963, plant die Mafia in Tampa/Florida ein Attentat auf Kennedy. Tatort und geplanter Ablauf sind fast identisch zum Attentat in Dallas. Kennedy soll are killed by gunfire from an office building. The FBI can thwart the attack at the last second.


"In the jungle of the conspiracy"
new documents to the Kennedy assassination
 Quelle: dpa
authority: The Pope of New Orleans
First published: A secret intercepts of the FBI, the masterminds revealed by the Kennedy assassination - Carlos Marcello, der Pate von New Orleans. Robert Kennedy hatte Marcello nach Guatemala zwangsausweisen lassen. Nach seiner heimlichen Rückkehr stand er wieder vor Gericht - am Tag, als JFK starb.
Ein FBI-Agent ist Zeuge, als Marcello 1985 in einem Wutausbruch gesteht: "Ja, ich habe den Hurensohn töten lassen. Ich bin glücklich darüber." Er habe mit zwei weiteren Mafia-Bossen zusammen gearbeitet, um den Präsidenten zu ermorden. Oswald war eine Marionette der Mafia, der oder die anderen Schützen bleiben bis heute im Dunkeln.

von Michael Funken und Benedikt Schülter

Matrix Hair Color Blog

11. September 2001 - was wirklich geschah

ZDF research substantiate allegation against authorities

The plan was insidious, the dimension of terror unbelievable. Airliners into flying bombs were to shake the last superpower in its foundations. The perpetrators of the 11 September 2001, to be quickly identified, are known as the backers: 19 young Muslims on behalf of the Saudi princes terrorist Osama bin Laden and his organization Al Qaeda. But from the beginning there were doubts.
Carlos Marcello, der "Pate von Newa Orleans". Quelle: ZDF Print

Immer mehr Menschen vermuten andere Mächte hinter den Anschlägen vom 11. September. Für sie ist offensichtlich, dass das Pentagon nicht von einem Flugzeug, sondern von einer Rakete getroffen wurde: Wie sonst lasse sich das kleine Einschlagloch erklären? Und warum hat die mächtige US Air Force die langsamen Passagiermaschinen nicht ganz einfach abgefangen? Wie kann es sein, dass Stunden nach den Einschlägen im World Trade Center in New York ein drittes Gebäude einstürzt, das gar nicht von Flugzeugen getroffen wurde? Ist das alles ein Komplott amerikanischer Geheimdienste, to open the door for Bush administration to lead the decisive war for oil?

Politbarometer: There

great skepticism

More than 50 such conspiracy theories to the terrorist act is now. They circulate in books, newspaper articles, the Internet and in movies. Hollywood will soon put the first conspiracy blockbuster in the cinemas.

call with some new or unreleased documents and photographs, the film answers to some of the most controversial issues. The documentation says among others, to see why in Shanksville, the crash site of the fourth hijacked machine, no debris in the photos - And what actually happened at the Pentagon.

files under lock

Some eyewitnesses and participants can express themselves for the first time in front of a camera and have condemned: You mean, the attacks could have been prevented. Members of a commission report, why in New York not only collapsed the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Noch sind viele Akten unter Verschluss, und viele Verantwortliche von damals weichen unangenehmen Fragen aus. Wohl auch deshalb kursieren so viele Legenden um den 11. September 2001. Was ist Mythos, was ist Wahrheit?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Stomach Virus In South Florida

Elektromagnetischer Puls

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
  • _____________
  • A
    electromagnetic pulse
    , abbreviated
    denotes a one-time short-term, high-energy, wide band electromagnetic transient. It is not about a periodic (pulsating) event but a process
    transient with the essential property in a very short time to a certain maximum value to rise and then fall off relatively slowly to the steady resting level.

    is usually on the importance of the concept of electrical systems relevant pulse spectra reduced, ie wavelengths between 10 mm and 10 km.

    / /


    [ Edit


    The term
    is pulse
    in this context present in the concept of
    confused in the field of mechanics

    Mathematics is a pulse as a one-time

    function f (t)
    a physical characteristic such as field strength, voltage or pressure represented. If a pulse with the period
    T continuously repeated, it is called a
    pulse with the pulse frequency
    f = 1 / T

    . This definition mirrors the concept of German literature, is particularly directed to on Electromagnetic Theory by Karl

    Küpfmüller. (See literature source)

    In the English literature, however, often made no distinction between the concepts of pulse and pulse. The standard in the German conceptual distinction, however, has advantages for understanding. In particular, a pulse can be represented by a superposition of a discrete series

    harmonic vibrations. For a pulse requires a continuous superposition of harmonic Schwingungen.

    Quellen elektromagnetischer Impulse und ihre Auswirkungen

    sind natürliche
    in der
    , welche zu einer massiven elektromagnetischen Beeinflussung nicht nur im Bereich des Blitzkanals und des Einschlagpunktes führen, sondern auch in weit davon entfernten elektrischen Leitungen und Geräten. Der durch

    Influenz und Magnetfelder ausgelöste elektromagnetische Impuls wird auch LEMP (engl. Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse) genannt. Weitere Informationen finden sich im Artikel Blitz .

    Magnetohydrodynamischer EMP


    Dieser Impuls mit einer vergleichsweise langen Dauer, im Bereich von Sekunden bis zu einigen Minuten, wird durch natürliche thermische Ausgleichsvorgänge in der Erdatmosphäre ausgelöst. Ursache ist eine Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Erdmagnetfeld und ionisierten Gasmassen in der Erdatmosphäre.

    This impulse can occur for inductive coupling of low frequency currents in spatially extended over a large area power supply networks, which can lead for example to saturation in power transformers. This could result in power outages



    [edit ] When spark discharge electrostatically charged body resulting transient voltages and currents associated with transient electric and magnetic fields, which produce an electromagnetic pulse. the operations and counter-measures are grouped under the term ESD . By such discharges, it may come to damage or destroy electronic components.

    For testing purposes, such operations can discharge human by high-voltage capacitors

    body model). Depending on the coupling network and size of the capacitor can vary strong pulses or waveforms are generated for testing purposes. be generated. For this, a capacitor charged to the test voltage and then a defined resistance in the tested component or discharged. It simulates the operation of a component by an electrostatically charged person (

    Switched inductors [ Edit


    Due to high current pulses in the coil can generate powerful electromagnetic pulses. Examples are magnetic coils to study the effect of high magnetic fields on matter that can be reused in fields up to about 100 Tesla

    be destroyed at higher fields, however. For mechanical protection and magnetic shielding, appropriate Labore in dicken Eisenbetongebäuden untergebracht. Die durch Kondensatorentladung erzeugten Stromimpulse erreichen einige 100 Kiloampere, die Dauer liegt im Bereich von Millisekunden.

    In Railguns und Wirbelstrombeschleunigern liegen ähnliche Verhältnisse vor.

    Durch Impuls-

    Teslatransformatoren werden hohe elektromagnetische Felder im Mittelwellenbereich erzeugt. Auch das Abschalten von Induktivitäten führt zu elektromagnetischen Impulsen. Durch das Bestreben des elektrischen Stromes, beim Ausschaltvorgang weiter durch die Induktivität fließen zu wollen, entstehen an der Spule very high voltages, which can lead to arcing. The glitches spread out on lines, causing signal interference and may have similar effects such as electrostatic discharges. Such pulses occur for example during the switching of electric motors , shooters and other inductive components on. A common source of interference of this kind is the ignition system of petrol engines, in which the effect of voltage rise, however, is like a

    induction coil used.

    nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) [ Edit


    A nuclear electromagnetic pulse, abbreviated

    NEMP (English Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse) is indirectly as a result of intense gamma radiation in some 100 km above the Earth's atmosphere in connection with the Earth's magnetic field in the atmosphere through the so-called Compton effect triggered. Such a strong transient gamma-ray source is produced only by a nuclear explosion to .

    By ban aboveground nuclear weapons tests such explosions took place and actually damaged or destroyed in the affected Areas networks and ships, when nuclear weapons test

    Starfish Prime above the Pacific on 9 July 1962. comes through high-energy gamma rays in the range of a few MeV

    up there at the

    molecules the top layers of the atmosphere to a sudden ionization: These are ejected from the molecule electrons so-called primary electrons, of which a large share retains the original direction of gamma quantum and the direction of denser layers of the atmosphere is moving. A portion of these free electrons caused due to high energy as a result more

    impact ionization and thereby releases more so-called secondary electrons. The flying towards the earth negative electrons and the remaining positive air ions form a transient electric dipole

    . Due to the deflection of the moving charge carriers in the Earth's magnetic field as a result of the Lorentz force it creates a transient magnetic dipole.

    This temporally and spatially rapidly varying charge and current distribution of the dipoles generated in the upper atmosphere, a broadband, transient wave field, which only gives the actual electromagnetic pulse for impairment of electronic devices und elektrischen Anlagen verantwortlich ist. Ein NEMP ist im Unterschied zum LEMP durch die besonders steile Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit und somit Breitbandigkeit gekennzeichnet. Bereits nach 4 ns werden 90 % des Maximalwerts erreicht.

    Der genormte NEMP, wie er in Prüflaboratorien zum Prüfen von Abschirmungen verwendet wird, weist als Maximalwert eine elektrische Feldstärke von 50 kV/m und eine magnetische Feldstärke von 133 A/m auf.

    Ähnliche Effekte treten auch bei nuklearen Explosionen in Bodennähe auf. Dort ist die Wirkung des NEMP allerdings auf einen kleineren räumlichen Bereich beschränkt und durch die thermischen und mechanischen Effekte nuclear explosion superimposed.

    An effect similar to a NEMP can also be triggered by strong gamma-ray bursts of natural origin, for example by pulsars or gamma-ray bursts when the earth are close enough and their gamma-ray light cone coincidentally meets the earth, so that the intensity of gamma radiation is strong enough. The probability is very low, because the time is not sufficiently close pulsar known, and gamma-ray bursts are indeed quite commonly observed, however, connect to the entire observed universe to spread and thus are extremely within the solar neighborhood rare. Also exists in the immediate solar neighborhood does not object, as that by today's standards as a source of a gamma-ray burst may be considered.

    more EMP weapons


    Edit ] electromagnetic pulses, electrical and destroy mainly electronic components in the effective range and therefore the military and in the form of ground-based EMP weapons used (see also: electronic warfare


    E-bomb , induction ). As a radiation source for this is, for example, the microwave radiation directed of relativistic magnetron which, fed by supply capacitors, excellence in Terawattbereich .

    laser radiation [edit ]

    too strong laser pulses trigger in the interaction with matter, an EMP. Laboratories for research purposes with laser radiation powers up to the Petawattbereich therefore have a radiation protection and other appropriate measures to protect communications networks.

    protection [edit ]

    Protection against EMP is the encapsulation of the devices in a Faraday cage

    and appropriate protection circuits ( Isolation , surge suppressors) are available on all electric supply lines. In radio equipment, the shielding can be achieved, however imperfectly, as their antennas can not be shielded and direct the electromagnetic fields inside.

    spatially wide-spread electrical conductors, such as energy supply and copper telecommunications networks, sind vor allem durch LEMP bzw. NEMP gefährdet. Metallene Rohrleitungen sind auch durch NEMP gefährdet. Während Energieversorgungsnetze kaum geschützt werden können, kann man in Kommunikationsleitungen Trennübertrager oder -verstärker einbauen oder sie durch Glasfasernetze ersetzen. Rohrleitungen kann man zum Schutz stellenweise oder ganz aus isolierenden Werkstoffen herstellen.

    Hausinstallationen (Energie und Kommunikation) lassen sich mit einigem Aufwand durch geeignete Erdung und Überspannungsableiter schützen.

    Der elektromagnetische Puls kann als

    Waffe oder für Anschläge benutzt werden und dann auch außergewöhnlich schwere Folgen have (see: third risk report

    Protection Commission to the Federal Minister of the Interior

    , Bonn 2006, p. 30-32, 86, 90).




    Adolf J. Schwab: Electromagnetic Compatibility, 4 Edition, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-60787-0

    Karl Küpfmüller: Theoretical Electrical and Electronics 14 Edition, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-56500-0 Johannes Wilhelm ea: nuclear electro-magnetic pulse (NEMP): origin, safeguard measures, measurement , Volume 110, expert-Verlag, ISBN 3-88508-929-7