30.07.2008 UK wide public discussion on the possible harmful side effects of the wireless Internet technology thrown. The newspaper Daily Mail reported, formed mainly in the ranks of British teachers of increasing resistance against the use of wireless technology in schools.
decisive factor for the growing concern is a series of recent studies that indicate the specific health risks of wireless transmission method. Thus, their use among other symptoms like loss of concentration, fatigue, memory impairment or headache should be responsible.
"The rush to the installation of wireless computer networks in schools, the health of children placed unnecessarily at risk, "said Philip Parkin, general secretary of the British teaching union
Voice. fear, the Voice-General that the separate wireless devices electromagnetic radiation, the nervous system in children is still in development, could cause harm. Without a proper investigation of the long-term effect of the escaping radiation should have no other wireless internet connections are installed in schools, urges Parkin.
"On the subject of wireless Internet and potential health risks, there is still no sufficient tangible results of the study "says Gerd Oberfeld, Umweltmediziner beim Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung fest. Dennoch empfiehlt der Experte WLAN-Anbindungen aus gesundheitlichen Gründen auf ein unbedingt notwendiges Maß zu reduzieren. "Der Strahlungspegel von WLAN ist unstrittig. Er liegt in der Regel zwischen 100 und 1.000 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter", betont Oberfeld. Kopfschmerzen würden etwa ab einem Wert von 500 Mikrowatt pro Quadratmeter häufiger auftreten. Erschwerend hinzu komme weiters die Tatsache, dass WLAN-Strahlung einen relativ hohen niederfrequenten Strahlungsanteil aufweise, der biologisch gesehen besonders aktiv sei.
Bedenken auch in Österreich
Dass UK calls for the teaching profession a more cautious approach to the wireless technology in schools, is commander-perfectly understandable. "In Austria we take the concerns in this regard very seriously," he clarifies. We have about determined that a wireless access point in a classroom, even if he is located in the far corner of the room due to reflections on the walls still radiation in the extent of about 100 microwatts per square meter strange. "In Salzburg, there is therefore a separate decision by Parliament, is to be used by the WLAN in schools because of safety and health concerns are very cautious," said commander-in conclusion.
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