Thursday, September 23, 2010
Graf Supra 502 T-blade
NörgelNerd From now runs on Wordpress and not Blogger. Have fun and good reading continues!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Farming In The Progressive Era
price and scope
was hardly the package there, I got it open, and all constructed according to the detailed instructions. But we come to the Motion Controller: The comfort in the hand is perfect and all functions are running excellent. The two most important keys Move button and T trigger must be pressed with your thumb and index finger, as the T-button is located at the back. Already here, I like the counterpart to the Wii better because it is also easier
The focus is, as initially been described on the ball above the controller, which is made of rubber and plastic fuss and is therefore not to be pressed and destroy so easily. Depending on the software, the ball lights in all different colors, but mostly pink, because that color can be most easily detected by the camera. Since the camera sets the functionality of the Wii in the 3rd dimension, it is now possible to the front and rear to act within the games. In order to experience all the fun this we need enough space so that the camera is not as piece of furniture for a surface and flattens to the rest of the image. All functions work as one has dreamed of and are surprisingly accurate.
Games squad
To Sony has released a lot of games, which are approximately at 35 €, but only show what you can do with the Move-control everything. A full-game price so they do not deserve. Therefore, the demo disc makes quite a lot of sense because you can try all sorts of games before you decide on one. Negative point is the size of the demos that are on many demos between 1-2 GB. In this way, the hard drive is relatively fast gemüllt full. Here are some impressions:
thus offers the demo disc nine games from various fields, from sports to party-to-shooter games. Most of these games are there to buy the full version. Actual games come out for Move in a few weeks, but there is already a good alternative for updates. Thus, games like Heavy Rain will soon be updated on the Move Edition and replayed. Unfortunately, it is up to proper games, like shooters or other first-person games a little bit there (SOCOM4).
Playstation Move is better not only in graphic terms by a mile, but will also ensure the game play her in some distant future, certainly stir until then, it is unfortunately only for casual gamers and children thought that the deal is not hard with the games.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Human Organs Sale Pro And Con 2010
They are among the most viewed videos on Youtube: The parodies synchronized to video games TheTrueBlacky . Today I show you my five favorite episodes:
Seat 5: Awesome Kong
Seat 4: Awesome Crossing Redux
3rd place: Awesome Center Redux
2nd: Guns of the Awesome
1st: Grand Theft Awesome IV
Thursday, September 16, 2010
What Does A High Hemoglobin Level Mean For Dogs
Solid Snake that old serpent, the best years behind him. Therefore, we take a look back at the best mission of his career. The Preventing a nuclear arms firing of Shadow Moses to the U.S.. The good old stealth fashion winds his way past one genetically engineered soldiers, to intermediate bosses have what it takes. A great story, believable characters and a crazy German Synchro is a recipe that promised a great game. And since it is already ... well 1999th
Speaker: Fricke (Host)
Software: Fraps, Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0, Handbrake
Music: Metal Gear Solid
External Video Files: Guns of the Awesome
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Letter Announcing New Physician Practice
Bereits in Post Nummer 1 dieses Blogs habe ich bereits meine bescheidenen Anfänge als Gamer mit dem guten alten Gameboy angedeutet, doch ist meine Geschichte viel umfangreicher und von viel mehr Konsolen gekennzeichnet. Heute beginne ich diese Serie mit den Anfängen meines Gamer-Lebens.
Grauer Ziegelstein, oder: Wie der Typ zum Gameboy kam
Wie jeder Mensch kann ich mich fast ausnahmslos kein Bisschen an meine Kindheit erinnert. Ok, Lego und dererlei waren sicher auch bei mir Zuhause zu finden, doch hat mich die elektronische Spielwelt von je her mehr fasziniert. So hat es mir der GameBoy meines großen Bruders done the most. Jump'n Run simply rocks and is funny enough in games like Mario Land never boring. This was followed by games such as Pokemon and Co., with my first own game, the unknown "Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions!" was that I have to date played through before. At that time, I contented myself for years with always the same games, which at that time not much difficult, because the focus was still fun and it does not rest on its laurels as it is today and out of the skin every few months a mediocre game. Oh, I'm starting again ... back to the nagging about: Game Boy, exactly! The sixth birthday, I got also my own Game Boy, Game Boy Color, which I still in my heart have been closed, after all, also the first console games I had.
tied way to the PC
First contacts to PC I by children learning games such as dandelion, the Tivola games, but mainly Harry Hopps Farm: Sounds strange, but a brilliant adventure game, that I so often I started as nothing, but rarely finished. You could produce so much waste and the jokes that I would call true today as childish, were all top notch. It also contains a cartoon style ... oh God I must look for it!
then everything went further in school than is in the computer room of the primary school "Prof. Tim's verrückte Werkstatt" spielen konnte: Ein sowohl abwechslungsreiches, als auch zeitaufwendiges Spiel, bei dem man seine eigenen verrückten Maschinen oder Kettenreaktionen basteln konnte. Heutzutage gibt es zwar zahlreiche Remakes, doch kommt für mich nicht an den guten alten Klassiker heran.
Dieser erste Teil der Geschichte eines Gamers ist noch recht kindlich geprägt, doch geht es nächstes Mal mit N64 weiter.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Frustration Board Game Instruction
Wo man auch hinschaut, sie ist überall! Ihr zu entfliehen ist unmöglich: Im Fernsehen, im Kino, im Fernsehen, in der Stadt und neuerdings auch im Internet ist man vor ihr nicht mehr sicher. Über die letzten Jahre ist sie immer mehr in Erscheinung getreten and so I dedicate this blog entry figment of the concentration of rape: the advertising!
duration acoustic TV
Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy, or whether the advertising is longer and more often. The latter is probably true but in this case, since they occur near the frequency even longer. Last on my many small advertising boards that about 1 / 3 of the picture taking and during short breaks, are shown above all the audience applause, or even show the latest spots this week on ProSieben shortly before 20:15. Hopefully soon you get to see more programs, rather than every few seconds a promotional band for cars or mobile phones clapped to his eyes get. Next point would be the lack of love in most spots, which result primarily from the lack of reference to the product. Rarely good old brand names of where you first a jingle (Calgon) or 2 a person (Mr. Clean) and connects to remain a long time in the head.
If one views the actual purpose of the Internet, namely the data transfer between universities, makes clear, it is sad to see what has become of it. Not only the eternal pop-ups that are larger are partly blocked, annoying companions, but also when sending e-mails or watching videos will be bombarded by advertising. Where you could read in peace even earlier text, you get advertising today left, right, up and of course see the entire screen engaging. Also the email box is safe despite the spam folder not against advertising condoms or the like, when the recipient is female, however, but again this makes no sense. Last point, the commercials that run before a lot of videos on Youtube compressed video, or that are found on other pages. Although the site owner can usually not help it, since it depends on the uploaders as they design their site and their video. Therefore there are no banner ads on my blog.
limit: door and telephone
Almost perversely, it will have to door and telephone, among which suffered especially the elderly. Persistent Aufquatschen contracts from telephone companies or banks for the elderly are not apparent SIDN, today came as a sad reality and, above all in the meantime call too often, almost daily phenomenon. Today restrict these calls, fortunately, on surveys of institutions. Whether court proceedings are in that respect I do not know, but I hope that the flood of advertising goes back slowly.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Win7 C00021a {fatal System Error} Knowndll Failed
taz article on the right-wing populism of 09/11/2010
anti-Islamism and right-wing populism
Sarrazins Untergang des Abendlandes
Europas Rechtspopulisten sind kaum religiös eingestellt, dafür von Abstiegsängsten erfüllt. Kern ihrer Erzählung ist die angebliche Distanz von Volk und Elite.
Was wird Thilo Sarrazin mit seiner neuen Freizeit tun, die ihm nach der voraussichtlichen Abberufung aus dem Vorstand der Bundesbank zur Verfügung steht: sie zu neuen publizistischen Großtaten nutzen oder das Bauchgefühl der breiten Zustimmung, das er verspüren durfte, zu einer national-populistischen Bewegung formen? Die Ingredienzien einer solchen Bewegung, die schon in vielen Ländern Europas erfolgreich ist und in Österreich, Norwegen and in Switzerland its way into government, are also present in Germany since a long time.
Franz Schonhuber had his appearance in the late 1980s, when the people's anger or against 'asylum seekers' teaching. The NPD moved in with a Nazi program for the association and losers in East German Diet. Jürgen Möllemann gave his high-flying "Project 18" a painting anti-Semitic, and mobilize the pro-parties (Pro Cologne, NRW, Germany) against local mosque construction projects and the "Islamization of Europe".
Particularly so far they do not come all. A political force the right of the opposition parties in Germany is considered improper to and at the federal level, a sixth party is unlikely for the time being. A life insurance policy for the political system is not. The affect against "Islam" is the strongest motive mobilization has long been, as the sympathies Thilo Sarrazin. He can draw on a culture of resentment and present themselves as opponents of the establishment. As a party founder, Sarrazin is missing, however many things: the charismatic, popular, television performance, the political organizer. But Sarrazin could open the door for others that process the script lying ready at an attractive plot.
The core of the populist narrative is the juxtaposition of "people" and "elites". It assumes a wide gap between ordinary people, who are allegedly played badly, and the elites that practice supposedly only into their own pockets. The first appearance of this type had tax rebels, as in Denmark Mogens Glistrup, which attacked the welfare state. Why, they asked rhetorically, the service providers of a company paying for the weak, why pay alimony a sprawling welfare bureaucracy?
Although it is true most of the benefits of the welfare state to a medium-sized customers, but also the amazing success of Westerwelle-FDP was the resentment against the "effortless prosperity" of the Hartz IV recipients due. There will be more explosive when they come from abroad and "invade our social systems," once said before Helmut Kohl.
fired Additionally, populism, it does acknowledge beyond socio-economic envy uncertainty by the socio-cultural boundaries, so fears of foreign domination and conquest stirs. Current form of expression which is mobilizing against the "Islamisation of Europe", which revived stale long conflict between the "Christian West" and the "Muslim East."
The real danger posed by al-Qaida or hate mongers, "honor killings" and the effective integration deficits to a populist Conspiracy theory interwoven, in which Islam appears as a pre-modern and violent religion, which in principle can not stand with the values \u200b\u200bof a liberal democracy in Germany.
passionate critic of Islam, as reflected in the blog about "axis of good, articulate but also in the online magazine" pearl ", contribute to blurring the line between legitimate criticism of fundamentalist Islam and discriminatory propaganda in the daily struggle of opinion with. The filled with resentment will gain the opportunity to refine their racism: their rejection of all Muslim've finally good reasons, since "Islam" women per se and homophobic, according to rule striving and violent was.
a nerve Sarrazin took biology classes as: the loss of sexual reproductive capacity of the local middle class is facing in this view, a virile conqueror people, resulting in fainting, and expulsion of fantasy cleaning result. The aversion against the (supposedly all deeply devout) Muslims demonstrated a loss of religious faith, ability and commitment.
And both together for the fabric degeneration stories of the sinking of the "Christian West". Trailers national populist parties and movements are, as we know the French Front National, often socially isolated, less religious set down and filled with fears and feelings of inferiority. Those in favor in this country looking for evidence, you only go to internet forums on the style of the platform "Politically Incorrect", one of the most widely read political blog in Germany.
politicizable fractures
rage out there helpless anger and sheer hatred. And who are differentiated published on Islam, immediately receives dozens of standard comments and hate mail. Always in the spirit that one should not say anymore in this country of his mind. The authors stylize itself as a victim of alleged thought police and political elites. And thus correspond to the martyrs lies a Möllemann or Sarrazin. Although the leaders are of populism usually well-heeled members of the elite - in the case of Jörg Haider and his "Buberlpartie" have dissipated apparently million € - they give the impression that similar marginal and persecuted to be like the "silent majority".
politicized, this weak point of the People's Party secured consensus when issues and people can pull some political division line. Such cracks were formed historically on the contrasts urban / rural, religious / secular or the conflict between capital and labor market and the state or out. For such great conflict and division lines has recently been little space, even Apart from the (weak) line running between "ecology" and "economy" and has since made here and Green parties succeed.
But if national populists who may be expected in most Western democracies, the consent of an average of up to one fifth of the population, a line of conflict between nation-state and raise global society and / or Europe could, would you protectionist program of political currency (votes). In Germany was the date the sustainability of the anti-fascist consensus and, above all, the aggregation force against the established parties, all (except the Greens) to a considerable extent Sarrazin-trailer have in their ranks.
Broder, Giordano, Kelek
lives beyond his populist themes of the anti-party affect and of contempt for partisan political elites, by the desire to "those above" show. The chances of an anti-Islamic populist movement decide not least because if the German bourgeoisie may fulfill its integration mandate in regard to Muslim immigrants yet.
Islam critics like Henryk Broder, Ralph Giordano and Necla Kelek, which are included Sarrazin skipped should at least distance themselves from Sarrazinismus. And the speaker of the major parties should not give the impression that it had needed this provocation in order to obvious problems of the immigration country now want to exercise and finally edit. This is done in a responsible prepare politicians and scientists for a long time.
anti-Islamism and right-wing populism
Sarrazins Untergang des Abendlandes
Europas Rechtspopulisten sind kaum religiös eingestellt, dafür von Abstiegsängsten erfüllt. Kern ihrer Erzählung ist die angebliche Distanz von Volk und Elite.
Was wird Thilo Sarrazin mit seiner neuen Freizeit tun, die ihm nach der voraussichtlichen Abberufung aus dem Vorstand der Bundesbank zur Verfügung steht: sie zu neuen publizistischen Großtaten nutzen oder das Bauchgefühl der breiten Zustimmung, das er verspüren durfte, zu einer national-populistischen Bewegung formen? Die Ingredienzien einer solchen Bewegung, die schon in vielen Ländern Europas erfolgreich ist und in Österreich, Norwegen and in Switzerland its way into government, are also present in Germany since a long time.
Franz Schonhuber had his appearance in the late 1980s, when the people's anger or against 'asylum seekers' teaching. The NPD moved in with a Nazi program for the association and losers in East German Diet. Jürgen Möllemann gave his high-flying "Project 18" a painting anti-Semitic, and mobilize the pro-parties (Pro Cologne, NRW, Germany) against local mosque construction projects and the "Islamization of Europe".
Particularly so far they do not come all. A political force the right of the opposition parties in Germany is considered improper to and at the federal level, a sixth party is unlikely for the time being. A life insurance policy for the political system is not. The affect against "Islam" is the strongest motive mobilization has long been, as the sympathies Thilo Sarrazin. He can draw on a culture of resentment and present themselves as opponents of the establishment. As a party founder, Sarrazin is missing, however many things: the charismatic, popular, television performance, the political organizer. But Sarrazin could open the door for others that process the script lying ready at an attractive plot.
The core of the populist narrative is the juxtaposition of "people" and "elites". It assumes a wide gap between ordinary people, who are allegedly played badly, and the elites that practice supposedly only into their own pockets. The first appearance of this type had tax rebels, as in Denmark Mogens Glistrup, which attacked the welfare state. Why, they asked rhetorically, the service providers of a company paying for the weak, why pay alimony a sprawling welfare bureaucracy?
Although it is true most of the benefits of the welfare state to a medium-sized customers, but also the amazing success of Westerwelle-FDP was the resentment against the "effortless prosperity" of the Hartz IV recipients due. There will be more explosive when they come from abroad and "invade our social systems," once said before Helmut Kohl.
fired Additionally, populism, it does acknowledge beyond socio-economic envy uncertainty by the socio-cultural boundaries, so fears of foreign domination and conquest stirs. Current form of expression which is mobilizing against the "Islamisation of Europe", which revived stale long conflict between the "Christian West" and the "Muslim East."
The real danger posed by al-Qaida or hate mongers, "honor killings" and the effective integration deficits to a populist Conspiracy theory interwoven, in which Islam appears as a pre-modern and violent religion, which in principle can not stand with the values \u200b\u200bof a liberal democracy in Germany.
passionate critic of Islam, as reflected in the blog about "axis of good, articulate but also in the online magazine" pearl ", contribute to blurring the line between legitimate criticism of fundamentalist Islam and discriminatory propaganda in the daily struggle of opinion with. The filled with resentment will gain the opportunity to refine their racism: their rejection of all Muslim've finally good reasons, since "Islam" women per se and homophobic, according to rule striving and violent was.
a nerve Sarrazin took biology classes as: the loss of sexual reproductive capacity of the local middle class is facing in this view, a virile conqueror people, resulting in fainting, and expulsion of fantasy cleaning result. The aversion against the (supposedly all deeply devout) Muslims demonstrated a loss of religious faith, ability and commitment.
And both together for the fabric degeneration stories of the sinking of the "Christian West". Trailers national populist parties and movements are, as we know the French Front National, often socially isolated, less religious set down and filled with fears and feelings of inferiority. Those in favor in this country looking for evidence, you only go to internet forums on the style of the platform "Politically Incorrect", one of the most widely read political blog in Germany.
politicizable fractures
rage out there helpless anger and sheer hatred. And who are differentiated published on Islam, immediately receives dozens of standard comments and hate mail. Always in the spirit that one should not say anymore in this country of his mind. The authors stylize itself as a victim of alleged thought police and political elites. And thus correspond to the martyrs lies a Möllemann or Sarrazin. Although the leaders are of populism usually well-heeled members of the elite - in the case of Jörg Haider and his "Buberlpartie" have dissipated apparently million € - they give the impression that similar marginal and persecuted to be like the "silent majority".
politicized, this weak point of the People's Party secured consensus when issues and people can pull some political division line. Such cracks were formed historically on the contrasts urban / rural, religious / secular or the conflict between capital and labor market and the state or out. For such great conflict and division lines has recently been little space, even Apart from the (weak) line running between "ecology" and "economy" and has since made here and Green parties succeed.
But if national populists who may be expected in most Western democracies, the consent of an average of up to one fifth of the population, a line of conflict between nation-state and raise global society and / or Europe could, would you protectionist program of political currency (votes). In Germany was the date the sustainability of the anti-fascist consensus and, above all, the aggregation force against the established parties, all (except the Greens) to a considerable extent Sarrazin-trailer have in their ranks.
Broder, Giordano, Kelek
lives beyond his populist themes of the anti-party affect and of contempt for partisan political elites, by the desire to "those above" show. The chances of an anti-Islamic populist movement decide not least because if the German bourgeoisie may fulfill its integration mandate in regard to Muslim immigrants yet.
Islam critics like Henryk Broder, Ralph Giordano and Necla Kelek, which are included Sarrazin skipped should at least distance themselves from Sarrazinismus. And the speaker of the major parties should not give the impression that it had needed this provocation in order to obvious problems of the immigration country now want to exercise and finally edit. This is done in a responsible prepare politicians and scientists for a long time.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Car Insurance Have Asked Me To Draw A Diagram
Perhaps you remember the last part of Classix just over a week, with 16 Stars in Super Mario ended 64? Well ... today we continue in any case, although with some delay due to stay in Dresden and stupid back and forth for cutting programs are either not functioning or not to handle for the laity were. With Sony Vegas, we begin the second part:
PS observed even my chronic concentration face:-O
here again to remember the first part:
Classix # 2 9.0, Handbrake
Friday, September 10, 2010
Prepaid Tv Card Readers Writers
Today's top 5 my favorite tracks include within games. Without big words, just listen:
Seat 5: Sunny's Theme (Metal Gear Solid 4)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Best Dua In A Wedding Card
Dieser Podcast fällt bewusst in die Subkategorie Retro, da sich heute alles nur um die guten alten Zeiten der Welt der Pokemon dreht. Das heißt übersetzt: von Blau/Rot bis Blattgrün/Feuerrot! Weiter führt dieser Podcast eher nicht, da wir sowohl keinen Bock haben unsere to infect pear with more Pokemon to help even the increasing commercialization of this series of games on. Who needs more than 500 of them, although you can remember just 150th In addition, you no longer relevant to our animal world, where more Pokemon like Caterpie came clearly from the caterpillar, but what your will that be because:
action: The son of Italian immigrants named Vito Scaletta, which is removed before the war, returned to Italy as a soldier, must fight through the mud of the U.S. city to feed himself and his family. It takes him from childhood to his buddy Joe a helping hand, who after a failed attack finally forced to leave behind, and thus not as Vito's Repay debt. Instead of being someone decides to go to jail Vito but as I said for the U.S. Army to go to war. This begins already the first playable sequence which shows the player like the main point of the game assets: Shooting like mad! But back to the story: A war injury, he comes back and with the help of Joe from his remaining months he has yet to settle freed. Joe, who fought in the years and already has a good reputation is sound, now begins with Vito also be taken in the Mafia swamp. This is where they show many parallels to GTA 4 (Serbian immigrants, problems at home; Fat Cousin (novel)). The Story is set in the fictional town of Bay City
9 / 10
Graphics / Sound:
As As for me I was a little disappointed that Mafia 2 is not able to keep up with today's graphic standards, but even herhächelt behind the 2.5-year-old GTA 4. The characters seem sterile and square and the city is not always as exciting as it should be. Why was not turned on again, the graphics screw is beyond me and my excitement has diminished a little. As for the sound I do not agree: Coherent radio stations and sound good choice to fit the era and are interested like it. points:
6 / 10
stark contrast to veil genre colleagues designed the controller, the shoot with the exception of R2 and L2 to target different from the standards. I am getting used to rather reluctantly, but the new control introduced user-friendly and so many are several key functions, it does not last. If you look at the driving experience, it is striking that Mafia 2 on the surf-wave realism and control to the corresponding bit difficult going out of hand.
points: 7.5 / 10
Pure frustration! It does nothing but meet emission composed again and again sustained gunfire. In one form or another pub but there is a billiard table, but this is unfortunately not usable. Other mini-games are not available, if you look at the bar apart from Vollaufenlassen. Though you can wear Speilfigur and properties of the current cars and customize this tune, but it accounts for no more fun. points:
2 / 10
own opinion:
is hardly a game that came with me so quickly to boredom, as in Mafia 2nd It does nothing new, does nothing particularly well, or has an unusually long playing time. Only the beautiful story typical mafia save my picture from this game. Characters remain in the head and get one from the beginning, or un-likable before. Maybe it's the shooter continued irrigation of the last months / years that this game does not really inspired me. Shocked me most was the Fact that 2K Games has been in advertising the game with a simulated scene and the play, which shows the reality.
4 / 10
I want to say either that Mafia 2 is a GTA clone 4 and therefore bad acts, nor do I want to say that this game is a horror . Ultimately, I will not do the thinking for you and force you own opinion. Anyone who is interested in the game, it should borrow, as I think it makes no sense after one play through more. The game does not change and is just boring in the long run, since the continuous shooting not just re- and again changes should come into the dusty genre.
Status: skimmed
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Does Tay Sachs Disorder Affect All Race
Whether it extremely difficult, extremely exciting or just put it in your scene: bosses or bosses captivate us and put a perfect ending after a chapter or story, just as the period at the end of the sentence. Therefore, I show you now my top 5 of the best bosses in games!
Seat 5:
Diablo (Diablo 2)
Auch wenn die Erweiterung Lord of Destruction einen weiteren Bossgegner namens Baal anbietet ist Diablo immernoch der Namensgeber der Spieleserie und wird einfach um einiges besser in die Spielwelt integriert.
Nicht nur das Diablo nach Öffnen mehrerer Siegel inmitten einer Kathedrale umringt von Flammen erscheint, nein, er begrüßt einen mit einem der coolsten Sprüche der Videospielegeschichte: ,,Nicht einmal der Tod kann dich vor mir retten" Der Teufel nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund, auch wenn er daraufhin, jenachdem ob ihr das Spiel beherrscht, ziemlich übel zugerichtet wird.
Platz 4: Andross (Starfox Adventures)
Andross for me is probably one of the most brilliant boss, which is probably one reason is that it is created by the development team Rare
and used as a rival of Fox McCloud and the rest of the Starfox team. The fact that they fought over a planet, the star wars like the Lylat will suppress universe makes him a pretty bad shape, but was in Starfox Adventures revamped its look so that it is still scary to some is. Anyone who has played Starfox Adventures, and knows the end is certainly agree with me that the end is really unexpected and believed dead, revealing his face.
Platz 3: Bowser (Mario-Reihe) Den guten alten Bowser hier an erste Stelle zu stellen ist nicht nur einfallslos, sondern auch eher unberechtigt, da die Mario-Geschichten sich im Laufe der Jahre nie wirklich weiterentwickelt haben, was zwar einen gewissen Charme ausmacht, doch auf Dauer eher nervig oder stupide wird. Ich meine was macht diese Peach denn, dass sie jeden zweiten Tag von einem fetten Schildkröten-Dino-Ding entführt wird. Die Geschichte ist wirklich unberechenbar! Naja zurück zu Bowser: Egal wie man Bowser schlussendlich verhaut, er ist und bleibt der Godfather of Endgegner.
At first a big thanks to Hideo Kojima for this more as a brilliant game, which should be evaluated independently of the stupid German synchronization. Within the game, you take on Psycho Mantis, a psychokinetic (?) Can not just let things fly through the air, but also reads thoughts and so his opponent is a step ahead. Ultimately, the solution is not more than a tribute to the good old hardware, while a parody of the integration of knowledge, which is open not the action figures (To press forward to move your X button Sounds! That stupid if someone to you would say). It must be said after the surprise Psycho Mantis knows what you last played, just the controller port change to this confusion and then to defeat him without much Händeaufreiben.
1st: Ganon-/Dorf (The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time) is
The Legend of Zelda and remains the king when it comes to Boss and Zwischenendgegner. So boss like Barrinade (Lord Jabu-Jabus stomach) or Bongo Bongo (Shadow Temple) already perfect imaginary characters who are all taking different deal, but is probably the best boss ever Ganondorf, where with me during the Game has built up a hatred and screwed the motivation again wurde. Als er dann auchnoch zu seiner ultimativen Form Ganon mutiert war ich einfach nur verblüfft wie genial dieses Spiel eigentlich inszeniert wurde. Kein Charakter geht je in Vergessenheit über und wenn doch, gibt es am Ende des Spiel immernoch die dicke Fete bei der man nochmals alle vor Augen geführt bekommt. Vom Bauarbeiter in Kakariko bis zum hässlichen Laboranten am See. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ist einfach eines des besten Spiele aller Zeiten und ist grade in Bossgegner-Sicht der König im Ring. Basta!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sign For The Bathroom About Sanitary Napkins
Videospiele haben einen ähnlichen Weg wie die Filme erlebt und sind bereits heute, aus rein profitabler Sicht, bereits an ihnen vorbeigezogen. Als Spiele noch das Merchandising von Filmen waren, they were a little side income, made possible by the number of visitors. Today the whole upside down: The Games turn the tables and pile up more and more rumors of movies to games. Not only movies are a good resource for the pastime to the next sequel, or the depth in the matter of the game, no, you can now continue to play without electric tools. I now want to give you a glimpse of a few examples and maybe raise a little interest. game film:
Although has started early this branch to sprout, but it was the beginnings of more than just embarrassing. Remember to Super Mario Bros.
in 1993, represents the epitome of the games or films whose beginnings. This, however, was staged as ridiculous, the film cast a anstäntigen promised. The test series was the game to put into practice a good idea, but thought this was so bad that the film seemed very attached. After further attempts of this kind, came with the Tomb Raider films shed light and gamer heart felt compensated for the last years, but too early happy: for them a man named Uwe Boll a line going through the bill. With films such as Name of the King - Dungeon Siege or FarCry, he succeeds as a director, actors like Jason Statham or Til Schweiger reacted badly to move characters. The results are accordingly maybe just mediocre. However, developing the films more and more to the good. For example, Resident Evil is well implemented and future film projects that have not been placed temporarily on ice, that ever happen to raise the level of the game films.
Written by:
Another example of gaming alternatives to these books. Anyone who assumes that these books reflect only the content of the games, is mistaken. For within the books will find additional information, including the scope of the action carried much further, which is when the game series such as Metal Gear Solid very helpful and easier to understand a lot. Whether that new knowledge but is mediated by the development team thought so depends on whether the book was written by it, or whether it is a project of dedicated fans handelt.Die Most books are 10 € to have very cheap and recommended for people who like to can use a reading in between.
Games Unplugged:
Last example unelektronische counterparts are too many games. Whether the eine aus dem anderen, oder anders herum resultiert sei mal außenvor gelassen, da beide von der Qualität exzellent sind und das Spielgefühl an PC oder Konsole perfekt übertragen. Einerseits gibt es Spiele wie Anno, die sich vor kurzem auf das Brettspielgenre übertragen haben, andererseits Spiele wie die guten alten Pen&Paper-Rollenspiele, die sich als RPGs auf den PC übertrugen und heute eins der wichtigsten und beliebtesten Genres darstellen. Zwar sind die Spiele die ohne PC/Konsole funktionieren viel zeitaufwändiger, doch baut sich innerhalb dieser Zeit eine größere Bindung zu den geschaffenen Charakteren auf und das Eintauchen in die Spielwelt ist durch die eigene Fantasie nach seinen eigenen Wünschen gestaltbar. Whether virtual or on paper, you must determine yourself what you like better.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Export Indian Clothes
Speaker: Fricke (Host)
Software: Fraps, Magix Video Deluxe 16, Handbrake
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How To Change The Color Of Your Cloths
to solve the Middle East conflict
When the current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations well again not much constructive to come (at least nothing that would be of duration) at around. Or does it? After all, they are talking to each other ..
here a bit pie in the sky for inspiration:
first Israel recognizes the occupied territories in the West Bank, draws from all the settlers, tears the border wall, a (legal they would be, if any, on its own state territory), also returns the Golan Heights to Syria and to abolish the blockade of Gaza.
second The path is now exposed that in the West Bank can finally create a sovereign Palestinian State. It would have two states in the Gene of 1967.
third But what about Gaza? This small piece of land is separated from the West Bank. How about a swap? Gaza to Israel and Palestine is replaced by a correspondingly large area of the borders of the former West Bank?
4th Displaced Palestinians receive a right of return to Israel.
5th Israel turns into a secular state, coming in which all citizens regardless of their religion the same rights.
6th Israel recognizes the sovereignty of Palestine, as well Palestine, the Arab neighbors, Iran and Israel's sovereignty.
When the current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations well again not much constructive to come (at least nothing that would be of duration) at around. Or does it? After all, they are talking to each other ..
here a bit pie in the sky for inspiration:
first Israel recognizes the occupied territories in the West Bank, draws from all the settlers, tears the border wall, a (legal they would be, if any, on its own state territory), also returns the Golan Heights to Syria and to abolish the blockade of Gaza.
second The path is now exposed that in the West Bank can finally create a sovereign Palestinian State. It would have two states in the Gene of 1967.
third But what about Gaza? This small piece of land is separated from the West Bank. How about a swap? Gaza to Israel and Palestine is replaced by a correspondingly large area of the borders of the former West Bank?
4th Displaced Palestinians receive a right of return to Israel.
5th Israel turns into a secular state, coming in which all citizens regardless of their religion the same rights.
6th Israel recognizes the sovereignty of Palestine, as well Palestine, the Arab neighbors, Iran and Israel's sovereignty.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Prepaid Tv Card Readers Writers Hacks
Wer kennt sie nicht, die guten alten Spiele mit guter alter Grafik. Heute starten wir in eine neue Rubrik, die sich um diese Spiele dreht: Classix.
Genau wie beim Podcast lassen sowohl Schnitt, Qualität als auch Professionalität auf the wait and hopefully the next time a little better.
But now the video:
Speaker: Fricke (Host)
Software: Audio Recorder, Fraps, Magix Video Deluxe 16, Handbrake
Music: Kevin MacLeod (
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