Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Stichwort: Offene Handelsgesellschaft

general partnership - abbreviated OHG - is a partnership , which operates under a joint company a commercial enterprise . The OHG as a legal form company is among the most widely used and because of their liability arrangements also most prestigious trading companies . A partnership is formed by at least two shareholders and their formation is due to a social contract that is entered into Register . If there was no other agreement, each shareholder in terms of the management is of the OHG out. The profits with respect to the capital contributions made four percent interest and the remainder is related to losses distributed to heads. In the case of loss all shareholders directly liable and jointly and their contribution out with all their personal assets .

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Stichwort: Gelegenheitsgesellschaften

consortia the companies short duration of realtiv, founded by company, a joint project to track . Examples include associations of Construction working together on a common site or banking syndicates, which are set up to jointly conduct a include securities underwriting . The most common legal form is the opportunity companies the civil law, ie a GbR.

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Stichwort: Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts

civil partnership - called abbreviated GbR - is a special form of partnership and is therefore not by Commercial Law (HGB), but by common law (BGB), regulated by law. In a GbR close at least two people together by contract to pursue a common goal. It may in this case, for example, be Community law firms of lawyers . The civil-law is not a trading company , so it is not a company and thus is not subject to the Company principles of trade law. management and representation the GbR is basically the outside, except otherwise agreed by all shareholders perceived. The profit distribution a GbR takes place after the contracted amount To emphasize the money and in kind . is that the shareholders a GbR their deposits and the company's assets also are liable with their entire personal assets .