Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Messages For Muslim Wedding Cards

Burg Herzberg - Festival 2007


Young World
(07/25/2007) hippies today
in the mud at Burg Herzberg drive strong guys around most local farmers on tractors and spread straw so old, late-and Neo-Hippies not completely submerged. They go barefoot anyway, who now has no rubber boots ruined his shoes. Departing impossible, the drive wheels brightly painted camper vans empty turn, family station wagon packed to drift on motorcycles. But the chaos is limited, only individuals making the Max The atmosphere is cool, man, mellow, far out. is


thought such a festival is a special case - who knows how to be here all day in it. This time will not have any hold on the honor code, which prohibits theft from unattended neighboring tents. This time it will have been one or the other conflict, which was not immediately dissolve with nonaggressive communication strategies.
But it is an exercise camp for alternative living together, a training camp for the other, a better world. Woodstock used to be. As utopian as chaotic as un-or political, that need to know that was there. Even the mud of the Herzberg fall of feet when he takes some getting dry. But something stuck. And that is at least politically.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Saunas Good For Chickenpox

Ratzingers Thesen

Many had Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI. for his intellectual honesty, if not just admired, then at least appreciated. It is revealed more and more that we succeeded with Ratzinger perhaps do with a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Some even put forward by the Pope, or at least authorized theses are to be held here: first Islam has nothing new or if ever brought only violence.
This was the consensus of the infamous quote from Benedict's Regensburg speech. Although he cited only the Byzantine Emperor Manuel II, but Benedict should have abstained in his role as Pope of such a statement. second The Latin American indigenous people were not converted to Christianity by force.
This is a blatant and outrageous lie Benedict, which denies the cruel policy of the English conquistadors and their missionaries! third Only the Catholic Church is a "church" in the strict sense - for Protestants and Orthodox do not. This is the latest
is authorized by Benedikt thesis. Who calls on Protestants to recognize the primacy of the pope over all Christians, ecumenical impossible.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Volvo S40, Aerial Mast

Hans-Jürgen Krahl oder der lange Weg von Ludendorff zu Bloch

Hans-Jürgen Krahl (1943-70) was next to Rudi Dutschke one of the leaders of the Socialist German Student League (SDS). His own intellectual and political development and a general analysis the world political situation, he presented in October 1969 in the form of a statement is during the so-called Senghor Process:

"feedback on the person called can not, not even with respect to a dish like this, to define what is still gleefully enough "personality" is the name. It is important that we represent the background of experience of the politicization process and thus the student movement, has made just as they in their anti-authoritarian phase, said. And it are, as far as my person, very different experience than the correlations of Comrade Amendt. I had to because of my background very much make long detours to betray the bourgeois class, I come, too. Coming from an underdeveloped country, namely from Lower Saxony, and that in the darkest parts of this country, I was not even permitted to rezipieren themselves in not the bourgeoisie, the enlightened ideology of this class, and I think that a summary of this ideology is necessary because these ideologies, which I myself have met with whom I had to identify, similar to those which will also be topics of this process, namely those of Senghor. In Lower Saxony, at least in parts, from which I come, there is still strong for this part, what can be described as the ideology of the earth, and so have I, too, when I went through my political education process, at first not unlike the framework of the German party may move to the Guelph party. I could not even work out the ideologies that mean the liberal and the parliamentary system - if you consider that the villages where I grew up, those non-public care or in their meetings, which are reminiscent of the rituals of medieval witch trials. If one assumes that take place today in many parts of Germany, the Bavarian Forest to the Lower Saxon pagan, sinister ideologies of mysticism, it was very evident that I am my educational process first of all in the Ludendorff covenant drive, so I conceptual thinking is not unlike the mysticism of Meister Eckhart and Roswithas learned of Gandersheim, ie ideologies that if one wants to interpret Marxism, can certainly be interpreted in the sense of a utopian thinking, as did Ernst Bloch, but when one absorbed them from the experience which the ruling class, darkest immaturity reproduce. [...]"


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Clear Nasal Mucus Length Of Time Infant

US-Politik förderte "religiöses Korsett" im Irak

NTV, 6/13/2007: "
[...] The fact that in Iraq at all to a group formation along konfessioneller Trennlinien gekommen ist, lastet Henner Fürtig vom Institut für Nahost-Studien in Hamburg vor allem der Politik der USA seit dem Sturz Saddam Husseins 2003 an. Die Entstehung nach Religion und Volksgruppe getrennter Wohnviertel in Bagdad etwa sei früher undenkbar gewesen: "Unter der Baath-Partei war das eine weitgehend säkulare Gesellschaftsstruktur." Die Unterschiede zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten sowie Arabern und Kurden seien im Zuge der Herausbildung eines gemeinsamen Nationalgefühls im modernen Irak zwar nicht verschwunden, aber längst von Gegensätzen etwa zwischen Arm und Reich oder Stadt und Land überlagert gewesen.

"Der grundlegende Fehler war, dass die USA nach dem Sturz Saddams nicht bei diesen new identities are recognized, "says Fürtig. So be on the creation of the interim government in spring 2003 were used reflexively to an ethnic and religious system of proportional representation." This has forced people into a quasi-religious and ethnic corset. "As a result, would today almost all political issues in an appropriate vocabulary packed. "If the U.S. wanted to democratize really would have had to start it in fact among the middle class," says Fürtig. And yet there have this in Iraq, where more than in most other countries in the region. "They have apparently chosen the easiest solution, but raises the long term, the biggest problems," says the scientist. has
[...]" more

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rotator Cuff Tendons Severed

Reinhard Loske und die Überwindung des Konsumismus

Reinhard Loske by the Greens in the
(p. 12)
published an article in which he calls "consumerism to listen "to finally develop a new environmentally and socially just lifestyle:


Whether the mere numbers of climate scientists, and no matter how appalling the human race to reversal move is of course an open question. doubtful. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's weakness purely quantitative targets in his "Notes from the Underground" in 1864, skewered wonderful. "What kind of a pleasure when everything is already figured on the table?", There can he tell his protagonists. The fact doubts the government of the science and provides a terribly boring, but come up but extremely sensible society, any really exciting prospect. The empirical science can help us to understand climate change. You can give us the barriers within which we have to move to avoid the crash. But they can give us any suggestions on how we can shape the social process of us from the path of self-destruction and diverts into safe area. For that we need social imagination, political will to act and genuine willingness to change.

All wind turbines, wood pellet and hybrid cars will not save us but if we are living longer dodge the question of style. Since there is a natural shyness which is understandable, especially for politicians who shun the charge of preaching renunciation as the plague. But consumerism, so the accumulation of goods as a substitute for sense, is now the biggest enemy of climate protection. Therefore, it is a cultural task of the first order, the return to convey the human dimension.

Without a vision of sustainable lifestyles and good society in any case the climate change runs the risk of being technocratic. This one will not start easily from the "old" consumer criticism of Erich Fromm and Rudolf Bahro. Modern capitalism is intelligent and refined, his imagination is boundless. Just as he transformed longing for nature in outdoor clothing and SUVs, he turns consumerism in tattered pants, cool t-shirts and book-sellers. Consumerism to trick is moderation with joy, surrender with pleasure, less with more, connect with ascetic self-discovery, to encourage and to encourage imitation. When the plurality of our society will not lead to unity life style, but to a variety of lifestyles, but that would be all climate-friendly.

course, it is important to make an important caveat: If a waiver of the rich would simply not to use their off-roaders in the fast time on Sunday, while for the poor, the reduction of the Hartz IV benefits from 345 € per month meant to 300 €, would such an approach without the prospect of broad social approval. The chance to help moderate lifestyles breakthrough increases with social justice, nationally and internationally. Das Grundeinkommen für jede und jeden könnte die Brücke sein, um übermäßigen Wachstumsdruck von der Gesellschaft zu nehmen. Es ist an der Zeit, die ökologische und die soziale Frage endlich zusammenzudenken.

Friday, February 23, 2007

How To Remove Herpes Remove Herpes Scar?

Forderungen an die EU

1. Europa muss sich als soziale Union konstituieren. Mit sozialen Standards, die ein würdiges Leben für alle Bürger garantieren.

2. Europa muss in der Umweltpolitik konsequent zu seiner Vorreiterrolle stehen. Das bedeutet: ehrgeizige Ziele an sich selbst stellen, denn nur so ist es glaubwürdig und kann auch andere von diesem Weg überzeugen. Klimaschutz darf sich nicht nach den partikularen Interessen bestimmter Companies base, but the reverse: the economy must be held responsible! The margin of renewable energy to be tapped and at the same energy can be saved.

third Europe must be more consistent and honest and above than in the past to be one of peace and dialogue in the world-setting power, which uses its diplomatic (and economic) weight in order to avoid military confrontations. The double standard has to stop, stop vassalage from energy dependence is (see point 2).

4th If Europe for its own as a universally understood principles (education, secularization, democracy, rule of law etc.), as beyond a certain cultural background would attract standing, it must preach the principles of freedom and equality, not just set an example.

5th The one hand, a strengthened self-critical view direction: colonialism, imperialism, racism, cultural chauvinism, etc., must be implemented and criticized their own history. To draw the consequences means that even with the "other" (the formerly colonized) of this history into a new comprehensive dialogue (polylog) to connect. It means, therefore, to assume Verantwortwortung for my story, which means not only moral or legal responsibility, but especially in the insight must lead to that "we" and "the Others "- Europeans and non-Europeans. - Now have a common history, we inseparable from each other and for each other and against each other are responsible

sixth if Europe faces up to its responsibility and its own humanistic values, it can be moral capital , win back it once playful as an imperial economic power. Then Europe could find itself.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Linda Goodman Horoscope For Love In February

Der Fremde und die Einheit

At one point in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov "(Part 2, Book 2 d), the memoirs of the monk Zosima, reports of these (mediated by the spring Aleschas) of the visit of a mysterious stranger in his youth. The stranger told Others of a human organization that touches on a point that is 130 years after Dostoyevsky's novel for the age of "globalization" of timeliness:

"[...] One day everybody is yes then to separate his personality as possible, everyone wants to find in himself the fullness of life, and this is the result of all his efforts made to obtain the fullness of life, but unquestioned suicide. For instead of complete unfolding of their lives, they fall into total isolation. pulls in our century to everyone back in his cave, everyone moves away from the other, hides himself and what he does, and ends with daß er selber von den Menschen zurückgestoßen wird und selber die Menschen von sich zurückstößt. Er sammelt für sich, in Einsamkeit lebend, Reichtümer und denkt: 'Wie mächtig bin ich jetzt, und wie bin ich vor Mangel geschützt!' Er weiß aber nicht, der Tor, daß, je mehr er Reichtümer ansammelt, er nur um so tiefer in die selbstmörderische Kraftlosigkeit versinkt. Denn er gewöhnte sich ja daran, auf sich allein alle Hoffnungen zu setzen: Von dem Ganzen sonderte er sich ab als Einzelwesen, er gewöhnte seine Seele daran, nicht an die Hilfe von Menschen zu glauben, nicht an die Menschen und an die Menschheit, und nur darum zu zittern, sein Geld und die von ihm erworbenen Rechte möchten verfallen. Allüberall beginnt jetzt der Menschengeist in lächerleicher Weise zu verkennen, daß die tatsächliche Sicherstellung der Person nicht in ihrer vereinzelten persönlichen Anstrengung sich gründen kann, vielmehr nur in der Einheit aller Menschen."

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Why Is My Bread Machine Squeeking?

Die Unfehlbarkeit des Edmund S.

Ein Witz in der DDR lautete:

Lieber geschlossen hinter Honecker als einzeln vor Erich Mielke.

Man muß sich schon fragen, vor wem die CSU-Genossen denn eine solche Angst haben, wenn sie sich mal wieder geschlossen hinter ihren Superbayern Edmund Stoiber stellen. Gibt es denn im Bayernland so viele Spitzel? Oder ist es etwa die männliche Angst vor einer "schönen Landrätin"? Die Art und Weise, Peter Ramsauer yesterday as the questions in Marietta Slomkas