Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Us Visa Interview Confirmation Letter Lost

hacker telephoned at the expense of U.S. authority

21.08.2008 Homeland security is a leading and long distance calls for about 12,000 dollars. Embarrassing: Of all the authority that was on the phone at their expense, had warned in 2003 against just such intrusions.

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A hacker has broken into the phone system of the United States Agency for homeland security for 12,000 dollars (8150 euros) performed long-distance calls to the Middle East and Asia . As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Wednesday in Washington, the hacker said on the weekend on the voice mail system, more than 400 times in countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, India and Yemen. Most interviews lasted about three minutes, others up to ten minutes, as FEMA spokesman Tom Oshanski said.

The telephone company discovered the fraud and eventually severed the connection for long distance calls from FEMA training center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The voicemail system was recently installed. This type of hacking is relatively primitive and "old school," said Jack Johnson, a security consultant. Ten to 15 years the method was widely used, now that the security precautions were being improved. "In this case it's a little embarrassing that the FEMA selbst passiert ist", sagte Johnson. Die FEMA gehört zur Behörde für Heimatsicherheit, die 2003 vor genau solchen Hackerangriffen warnte.


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