Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poptropica How To Hack Someones Account

Wien AG Sozialbau a non-profit?

The company Sozialbau Vienna declared itself the largest owners of cooperative housing units in Austria. In building societies to understand the construction of more affordable housing to be affordable on the market. However, this company was transformed under the Directorate General of an HR. Dr.Herbert Ludlow into a paradise. Sorry I forgot all of his title to lead, because without them he speaks to no one!
He used even in the 90 years as chairman of the Business "Arbeiter Zeitung" (which went bankrupt in the 70s). This is paradise but only for higher members of the Social Democratic Party!
For there can be readily in 10 different directorships kassieren.Oder one will sit and managing director of a company that extends from an employee besteht.Dieses conglomerate of companies from the former community enterprises to fictitious companies Unternehmungen.Da be sent into bankruptcy in order to collect even more. The peak positions of a Mr. Helmuth LASKA operating
his sign Kommerzialrat and husband of Deputy Mayor of Vienna, and a council called Karl HENGELMÜLLER. There are plenty of others switched between. It is in the sharing of company shares so far as that is a 2% share of the Vienna National Organization of Social Democratic Party. There must of course also A confidence man and is doing so into the 1.Landtagspräsidenten of Vienna. This Mr Harry Kopietz as a former mechanic and fireman now appears on the title "Professor" as the Board of Sozialbau!
The compounds of course go even further: The company
Gloriette Hotelbetriebs ges.mbH is also a supervisory board, but is 100% Beseitz a company which "Viennese workers homes" called. Coincidentally, there also is the managing director Mr. Laska. one feels when one carefully reads the book business, as in a business thriller.
The tenants of social building creaking under the strains are from year to year werden.Dies larger operating costs are higher because is purchased from companies that are on average 80% more expensive than a business for Norma consumers. janitors earn up to € 65,000 .- gross per year and with free housing and no prescribed working hours. The property management sees itself as a collection agency and not as an administrative Liegenschaft.Besonders stands out while the qualification of the department head. Obviously enough, a party book of the Social Democratic Party and a visit to a technical college to be a caretaker, but to make do without common sense. Responsible manager a Mr. SALOMON especially impressive in which he was his boss, Dr. Ludlow takes as a model. This is in fact not speak for normal mortals! Hand-delivered letters nimmt er nicht an , da seine Armada an Titeln nicht zu lesen war! Der Verwalter ein Herr Herbert HAINDL mit dem Titel Ing. ausgestattet hat von hausverwalten kaum einen blassen Schimmer.
Die monatlichen Belastungen für die Mieter kommen bereits auf €7.- pro m²! Das alles natürlich ohne Heizung, Strom, Telefon und Warmwasser.
Mitspracherecht für die Mieter gibt es nicht. Es wurde von einem Verwalter ( der bereits im Ruhestand ist) trefflich beschrieben: Auf die Frage eines Mieters was denn eigentlich die Mietervertreter dürfen und sollen, kam die Antwort: "Die Mietervertreter dürfen bei der Wahl zum Generaldirektor aufstehen und ja sagen und sonst haben sie das Maul zu halten und ihre Miete zu ebzahlen. Denn wo kommen we going there though do you must give three talk in our business? "
All this from the point of the title plays Sozialbau" and led by key members of the Social Democratic Party and even a director of Labour a gentleman MÜCK as supervisory board here.
Then comes nor the sovereign Häupl in a more than favorable picture when he highlights the achievements of the Social Democratic Party in municipal housing. This should also say that the wife of the Chancellor's sister, who is the residential City Council of the City of Vienna. Since there are then in turn links the Head Wiener Wohnen Herbert JANSKY companies with the newspaper "Today," where the CEO is the brother of H. Jansky the soon to be dismissed from his position because of malpractice.
But it will surely find a job with a nonprofit housing AG called "social building" or not?


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