Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bridal Shower Receipie Cards

Star article about the" system Berlusconi "(05/26/2009)

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Interestingly, the biggest critics of the "system Berlusconi" for more than 30 years dead, Pier Paolo Pasolini, visionary writer and director, predicted the Italians in the mid-seventies, a system which are characterized by media massification, blind pursuit of pleasure and a new kind of dictatorship would, that would be totalitarian than fascism. Italy, for the industrialized Pasolini much too quickly and without real democratic reforms been surrendered in the industrial age was, would lose both its communist, agrarian roots and his conservative, Catholic values. The "power without a face", a caste of politicians and industrialists, "wants an Italy in which nothing can prevent the masses to consume it, an Italy of the 'progress', which only obliterates any authentic culture and every authentic criticism."



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