Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pulse Software For Brother

Ich möchte euch eine Geschichte erzählen:
Es gab eine Zeit in der Spiele noch zum Zeitvertreib und Durchspielen programmirt wurden. Und dieses Durchspielen, ihr könnt es mir glauben, dauerte länger als eine Woche! Sogar nach dem Durchspielen, welches auf Dauer sogar nervenzerreißend oder unübersichtlich wurde, hatte man am Ende doch wieder Lust es ein weiteres Mal durchzuspielen. Leider ist diese Zeit vorbei und jene, die dieser Zeit entstammten, sehnen sich nach einer Renaissance, to them the returns that they prepared for so many years of fun:
video games without

DLC online modes
meaningless fidgeting
instead with
deep characters , continuous fun and
innovation !

The casual gaming was once a small branch
of the video game industry, today all follow Nintendo, the great pioneer, who drew both the DS and the Wii people in front of the screen, which previously spent their time doing things have, for they needed no virtual mirror images. Finally, yoga exercises by professional to teach coaches and knows nothing of a tablet. So it is with the many Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training pseudo-games that are in themselves right, but overall, only a gray uniformity of numbers and letters established. Like it can be seen even in war shooters, but this should be a different matter. Result is that developers such as Nintendo poach nurnoch in one area and development team we are Rare (Banjo-Kazooie), which for years published titles in a class, eaten by the giant video games!

From the past to the present:
Sony and Microsoft are infected: From Casual-Virus! Where it has caught
Sony Worse Anstatt etwas ganz neues zu schaffen, versucht man Eyetoy und Wii-Motion zu verschmelzen und die Steuerung auf einen leicht erhöhtes Niveau zu heben. Microsoft stellt sich geschickter an: Natal bzw. Kinect wird die Bewegungen des gesamten Körpers erkennen, doch anstatt die technischen Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, werden Spiele wie Dance Central veröffentlicht werden.Das Video sagt schon alles:

Wow...wie...klischeebedienend: Wie immer hat es Nintendo vorgemacht! Alle lieben sich, des Bruder tanzt mit seinen Schwestern vor dem im Sommer laufenden Kamin und dauergrinsende Mutter und Vater gucken amazement. There
bright spots in the industry are few and if they do exist they are either unexpected innovations such as the wave of innovation at EA that brought alongside FIFA etc. finally imaginative and interesting titles like Dead Space, or the digging of flagship titles in 3DS by Nintendo. Donkey Kong, Mario and Co. are also on Nintendo's eighth Hanndheld generation represented.
The future:

Had Fusajiro Yamauchi, the Nintendo founded in 1889 said that his games ran on electricity, he would either have been fascinated, or would have thought it witchcraft. And would you show a child of the 80s today's graphic, it would either be fascinated or ask ourselves whether our name is Marty McFly or Emmett Brown was. And if we are games / hardware of 2030 show, we would be fascinated, or ... year after year, decade after decade, continues to develop everything. In the last almost 60 years, much has developed, which was mostly good ... why should not this also apply for the next 60 years? Time will tell.


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