Sunday, September 19, 2010

Farming In The Progressive Era

The alternative control to the next level. This time, however, the product comes from Sony instead of Nintendo, and is called Move. In this case, combine the Eye camera, you already know of Eyetoy from the Playstation 2 and the new motion controller with its distinctive ball top. Whether the new system the PS3 is similar or the same as that of the Wii, I want to explain in the following text.

price and scope

to release Sony offers the new system in different ways. Either you all utensils bought individually, means: Motion Controller, Navigation Controller und Eye-Kamera. Oder man kauft das Starterkit bestehend Motion Controller und Eye-Kamera für durchschnittlich 60€ und holt sich den Navigation Controller dazu, wobei ich mir nicht ganz sicher bin, was man für den vollständigen Spielspaß benötigt. Denn einerseits gibt es Spiele nur mit Motion Controller, andere mit Motion und Naviation und andere mit zwei Motion. Außerdem kann man anstelle des Navigation Controllers auch einen handelsüblichen PS3-Controller nutzen, der allerdings etwas gröber in der Hand liegt, wenn man ihn mit nur einer hält. Mir genügt vorerst das Starterkit mit Motion-Controller, Eye-Kamera und einer Demodisk.


was hardly the package there, I got it open, and all constructed according to the detailed instructions. But we come to the Motion Controller: The comfort in the hand is perfect and all functions are running excellent. The two most important keys Move button and T trigger must be pressed with your thumb and index finger, as the T-button is located at the back. Already here, I like the counterpart to the Wii better because it is also easier


The focus is, as initially been described on the ball above the controller, which is made of rubber and plastic fuss and is therefore not to be pressed and destroy so easily. Depending on the software, the ball lights in all different colors, but mostly pink, because that color can be most easily detected by the camera. Since the camera sets the functionality of the Wii in the 3rd dimension, it is now possible to the front and rear to act within the games. In order to experience all the fun this we need enough space so that the camera is not as piece of furniture for a surface and flattens to the rest of the image. All functions work as one has dreamed of and are surprisingly accurate.

Games squad

To Sony has released a lot of games, which are approximately at 35 €, but only show what you can do with the Move-control everything. A full-game price so they do not deserve. Therefore, the demo disc makes quite a lot of sense because you can try all sorts of games before you decide on one. Negative point is the size of the demos that are on many demos between 1-2 GB. In this way, the hard drive is relatively fast gemüllt full. Here are some impressions:

Link: Playstation Move Test

thus offers the demo disc nine games from various fields, from sports to party-to-shooter games. Most of these games are there to buy the full version. Actual games come out for Move in a few weeks, but there is already a good alternative for updates. Thus, games like Heavy Rain will soon be updated on the Move Edition and replayed. Unfortunately, it is up to proper games, like shooters or other first-person games a little bit there (SOCOM4).


Playstation Move is better not only in graphic terms by a mile, but will also ensure the game play her in some distant future, certainly stir until then, it is unfortunately only for casual gamers and children thought that the deal is not hard with the games.


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