Sunday, September 12, 2010

Win7 C00021a {fatal System Error} Knowndll Failed

taz article on the right-wing populism of 09/11/2010

anti-Islamism and right-wing populism
Sarrazins Untergang des Abendlandes

Europas Rechtspopulisten sind kaum religiös eingestellt, dafür von Abstiegsängsten erfüllt. Kern ihrer Erzählung ist die angebliche Distanz von Volk und Elite.

Was wird Thilo Sarrazin mit seiner neuen Freizeit tun, die ihm nach der voraussichtlichen Abberufung aus dem Vorstand der Bundesbank zur Verfügung steht: sie zu neuen publizistischen Großtaten nutzen oder das Bauchgefühl der breiten Zustimmung, das er verspüren durfte, zu einer national-populistischen Bewegung formen? Die Ingredienzien einer solchen Bewegung, die schon in vielen Ländern Europas erfolgreich ist und in Österreich, Norwegen and in Switzerland its way into government, are also present in Germany since a long time.

Franz Schonhuber had his appearance in the late 1980s, when the people's anger or against 'asylum seekers' teaching. The NPD moved in with a Nazi program for the association and losers in East German Diet. Jürgen Möllemann gave his high-flying "Project 18" a painting anti-Semitic, and mobilize the pro-parties (Pro Cologne, NRW, Germany) against local mosque construction projects and the "Islamization of Europe".

Particularly so far they do not come all. A political force the right of the opposition parties in Germany is considered improper to and at the federal level, a sixth party is unlikely for the time being. A life insurance policy for the political system is not. The affect against "Islam" is the strongest motive mobilization has long been, as the sympathies Thilo Sarrazin. He can draw on a culture of resentment and present themselves as opponents of the establishment. As a party founder, Sarrazin is missing, however many things: the charismatic, popular, television performance, the political organizer. But Sarrazin could open the door for others that process the script lying ready at an attractive plot.

The core of the populist narrative is the juxtaposition of "people" and "elites". It assumes a wide gap between ordinary people, who are allegedly played badly, and the elites that practice supposedly only into their own pockets. The first appearance of this type had tax rebels, as in Denmark Mogens Glistrup, which attacked the welfare state. Why, they asked rhetorically, the service providers of a company paying for the weak, why pay alimony a sprawling welfare bureaucracy?

Although it is true most of the benefits of the welfare state to a medium-sized customers, but also the amazing success of Westerwelle-FDP was the resentment against the "effortless prosperity" of the Hartz IV recipients due. There will be more explosive when they come from abroad and "invade our social systems," once said before Helmut Kohl.

fired Additionally, populism, it does acknowledge beyond socio-economic envy uncertainty by the socio-cultural boundaries, so fears of foreign domination and conquest stirs. Current form of expression which is mobilizing against the "Islamisation of Europe", which revived stale long conflict between the "Christian West" and the "Muslim East."

The real danger posed by al-Qaida or hate mongers, "honor killings" and the effective integration deficits to a populist Conspiracy theory interwoven, in which Islam appears as a pre-modern and violent religion, which in principle can not stand with the values \u200b\u200bof a liberal democracy in Germany.

passionate critic of Islam, as reflected in the blog about "axis of good, articulate but also in the online magazine" pearl ", contribute to blurring the line between legitimate criticism of fundamentalist Islam and discriminatory propaganda in the daily struggle of opinion with. The filled with resentment will gain the opportunity to refine their racism: their rejection of all Muslim've finally good reasons, since "Islam" women per se and homophobic, according to rule striving and violent was.

a nerve Sarrazin took biology classes as: the loss of sexual reproductive capacity of the local middle class is facing in this view, a virile conqueror people, resulting in fainting, and expulsion of fantasy cleaning result. The aversion against the (supposedly all deeply devout) Muslims demonstrated a loss of religious faith, ability and commitment.

And both together for the fabric degeneration stories of the sinking of the "Christian West". Trailers national populist parties and movements are, as we know the French Front National, often socially isolated, less religious set down and filled with fears and feelings of inferiority. Those in favor in this country looking for evidence, you only go to internet forums on the style of the platform "Politically Incorrect", one of the most widely read political blog in Germany.

politicizable fractures

rage out there helpless anger and sheer hatred. And who are differentiated published on Islam, immediately receives dozens of standard comments and hate mail. Always in the spirit that one should not say anymore in this country of his mind. The authors stylize itself as a victim of alleged thought police and political elites. And thus correspond to the martyrs lies a Möllemann or Sarrazin. Although the leaders are of populism usually well-heeled members of the elite - in the case of Jörg Haider and his "Buberlpartie" have dissipated apparently million € - they give the impression that similar marginal and persecuted to be like the "silent majority".

politicized, this weak point of the People's Party secured consensus when issues and people can pull some political division line. Such cracks were formed historically on the contrasts urban / rural, religious / secular or the conflict between capital and labor market and the state or out. For such great conflict and division lines has recently been little space, even Apart from the (weak) line running between "ecology" and "economy" and has since made here and Green parties succeed.

But if national populists who may be expected in most Western democracies, the consent of an average of up to one fifth of the population, a line of conflict between nation-state and raise global society and / or Europe could, would you protectionist program of political currency (votes). In Germany was the date the sustainability of the anti-fascist consensus and, above all, the aggregation force against the established parties, all (except the Greens) to a considerable extent Sarrazin-trailer have in their ranks.

Broder, Giordano, Kelek

lives beyond his populist themes of the anti-party affect and of contempt for partisan political elites, by the desire to "those above" show. The chances of an anti-Islamic populist movement decide not least because if the German bourgeoisie may fulfill its integration mandate in regard to Muslim immigrants yet.

Islam critics like Henryk Broder, Ralph Giordano and Necla Kelek, which are included Sarrazin skipped should at least distance themselves from Sarrazinismus. And the speaker of the major parties should not give the impression that it had needed this provocation in order to obvious problems of the immigration country now want to exercise and finally edit. This is done in a responsible prepare politicians and scientists for a long time.


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